
Tamsui first fishing port environmental improvement completed street sunset fishing port embankment added features

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, (Taiwan TB News Network/Reporter Sun Yaozhang) After the overall fishing port water environment improvement project, the No.1 fishing port of New North Freshwater not only improved the poor situation of insufficient moving lines in the hinterland of the original port area, but also improved the working space of fishermen. The shadow of the fishing port embankment, together with the old street of fresh water, sunset...

Environment improvement of Fanshui No. 1 fishing Port adds features to sunset fishing port embankment in Jiancheng Street

(Taiwan TB News Network / reporter Sun Yaozhang) after the overall fishing port water environment improvement project, the new north freshwater first fishing port has not only improved the poor moving line in the hinterland of the original port area, but also improved the working space for fishermen. The dike shadow of the fishing port, coupled with the old streets and sunset of Tamsui, has added local features, and it is still one of the preferred places for people to go out and enjoy the tour.

According to the New Taipei City Fisheries Office, there are many scenic spots around the first Tamsui fishing Port, including Huwei Kai Medical Center, Chen Chengbo Outdoor gallery, Dejelis, Zeppelin Space, Freshwater Customs Terminal and Freshwater Fisheries Life and Culture Image Museum, etc. Among them, the old oil depot computer room, which has been abandoned for more than 60 years next to the fishing port, was transformed into a "freshwater fishery life and culture image hall" with white walls and green windows on February 14, 2007, with a green retro mailbox standing next to the door. the walls of the museum still completely retain the red old fuel pumps used to replenish fishing boats, as well as black-and-white photos full of fresh water old customs. Outside the museum is the scenery of "fishing Port Shadow Embankment", which is one of the eight scenic spots of freshwater. When you come here in the evening, the berthing ships in the harbor are rippling with the waves. Seabirds either fly or stop at the rim of the ship, sit on the bench outside the pavilion in the face of the sea breeze, look at the color of Guanyin Mountain in the distance from the angle of the long dike, and enjoy the sunset on the surface of the Tamsui River. such an atmosphere and amorous feelings seem to go back to the old time and space of Tamsui town and experience a time travel through time.

Zhang Lizhen, director of fisheries in New Taipei City, said that after the overall fishing port water environment improvement project, the freshwater first fishing port has not only improved the poor moving line in the hinterland of the original port area, but also improved the operating space for fishermen.

The first fishing port is now a popular sign-in point, which can be easily reached by bicycles and tourists. It is the hub connecting the old Tamsui Street to the Fisherman's Wharf. Tourists can walk from the old street to the fishing port and extend to the Customs Wharf. No matter during the day or evening, there is a new recreational space for the visitors. It is hoped that the public can do a good job in self-protection after the epidemic slows down. Keep a social distance, wear a good mask and carry alcohol with you for disinfection, and take a walk to the first fishing port to experience the new features of the fishing port.

After the completion of the ▲ new north freshwater first fishing port ring improvement project, the fishing port dike shadow plus the old street, sunset even more features.