
Normal University allied with Solar Energy Union to optimize Green Energy Industry

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, (Taiwan TB News Network / senior reporter Liu Zhicheng) National Kaohsiung normal University, in cooperation with the policy, signed the "Industry-University Cooperation Strategic Alliance" with the Kaohsiung Solar Energy Union this (14) afternoon in order to cultivate talents in the green energy industry. Headmaster Wu Lian rewards and the sun.

Normal University allied with Solar Energy Union to optimize Green Energy Industry

(Taiwan TB News Network / senior reporter Liu Zhicheng) National Kaohsiung normal University, in cooperation with the policy, signed the "Industry-University Cooperation Strategic Alliance" with the Kaohsiung Solar Energy Union this (14) afternoon in order to cultivate talents in the green energy industry. Signed by President Wu Lianjun and Chen Junzhong, chairman of the Solar Energy Union, on behalf of both sides, chief executive Cai Junxian, R & D director Xie Jianyuan, division chief Tan Dachun, public relations CEO E Jianzhi and solar energy related enterprises responsible persons Huang Xianru, Chen Huiping, Cai Jianyu, Zhuang Wuxing, Xu Liancheng, Cai Dean, Zhang Huikun and Huang Zhangren were invited to witness. It is expected that the two sides can cooperate closely in talent training, enterprise internship and cross-field cooperation to jointly cultivate green energy professionals.

Chen Junzhong, chairman of the Kaohsiung Solar Energy Union, pointed out that the Solar Energy Union, founded in 102, is the only trade union in the country that trains talents in energy creation, energy conservation, energy storage and energy management. it has trained more than 3000 green energy industry students with members from all over Taiwan. There are industrial business owners, listed over-the-counter managers, and green energy personnel. Since its establishment, it has made every effort to assist the central and local governments in promoting the upgrading of the solar photovoltaic industry. It is a training base for "green energy industry talents" in the Gaoping Pendong Branch of the Labor Development Department of the Ministry of Labor, and actively promotes solar energy technology, media industry and industry talents. it is an important platform for students, employers and manufacturers to gather solar energy-related information.

Wu Lianjuan, president of normal University, said in a speech that cultivating all-round industrial talents and promoting the development of nine major industries, including solar light-emitting components, is one of the priorities of the overall development of normal University. Today, he signed the "Industry-University Cooperation Strategy Alliance" with the solar energy union. Hope to take energy creation, energy conservation, energy storage, energy management as the promotion policy, cultivate more excellent green energy industry talents, through the resource integration platform. To provide students with high-quality entrepreneurial and employment opportunities to achieve the common goal of making the best use of their talents and the integration of learning and application.

Chairman Chen thanked the partner enterprises for taking a group photo with President Wu.