
Launch Yuanxiao Happy combination Haocha + Tea Yuan healthy Taste

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, (Taiwan TB News Network / reporter Sun Yaozhang) Lantern Festival is the first full moon night of the Lunar New year, with the meaning of "starting all over again". On this day, eating a bowl of hot dumplings symbolizes family reunion and happiness.

The Lantern Festival is the first full moon night of the Lunar New year, with the meaning of "beginning again". On this day, eating a bowl of hot dumplings symbolizes family reunion and happiness. The New North Agriculture Bureau has launched a delicious combination of "New Beihao Tea" and "Tea dumplings". The innovative double re-eating method can not only enjoy the taste of tangyuan, but also taste the flavor of tea and eat healthily.

According to the Agriculture Bureau, there are nine major tea-producing areas in New Taipei City, producing six kinds of local characteristic teas with different degrees of fermentation. there are Biluochun with mung bean fragrance, Wenshan bag tea with flower smell, Longshou tea with uniform throat aroma and taste, oriental beauty tea with fruit flavor, Tieguanyin tea with charcoal flavor and honey black tea with slightly fruity flavor. The new healthy orientation is tea instead of sugar water, the tea has a refreshing and anti-greasy effect, and the sweet stuffing in the dumplings can reduce the astringent taste of the tea.

The Agriculture Bureau pointed out that Pinglin is the largest producing area of packaged tea in Taiwan. in addition to producing high-quality tea, "Dezhi Tea Garden", which is located on Beiyi Road, Pinglin District, New Taipei City, has been ploughed for more than 40 years, and "tea dumplings" are popular on the ground. The glutinous rice balls kneaded with the raw materials of packaged tea are all from the skillful hands of the old, middle-aged and young people in the tea shop, and the tea soup circle has the significance of home, tea aroma and reunion. This year, Yuanxiao eats a bowl of hot and characteristic tea dumplings, coupled with Xinbei good tea, to warm the stomach and taste local delicacies.

Coco Lee, director of agriculture of New Taipei City, said that when handling tea evaluation in various producing areas, New Taipei City strictly implemented the "Tea cleaning Program" and carried out pesticide sampling management, all of which ensured local production and made people drink comfortably and healthily. A bowl of tea dumplings during the Lantern Festival symbolizes perfect happiness and brings everyone a year of good luck. If people want to buy Xinbei Haocha tea products, they can recognize that the tea products of various tea areas in New Taipei City hold evaluation competitions. The purchase of "New North Haocha" brand is the guarantee of peace of mind and safety.

New North launched New North launched Yuanxiao Happy combination, innovative good tea + tea dumplings for people to taste healthily. (courtesy of New North Agriculture Bureau)