
Wageningen University has become the best agricultural university in the world for the seventh time in a row.

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, The 2022 QS World University discipline rankings were released on April 6th. This is the seventh time in a row that Wageningen University and its research center have become "the best agricultural university in the world". Among them, Wada's environmental science major ranked fifth on the list. The QS World University discipline rankings are based on 51 of 1543 universities.

The 2022 QS World University discipline rankings were released on April 6th. This is the seventh time in a row that Wageningen University and its research center have become "the best agricultural university in the world". Among them, Wada's environmental science major ranked fifth on the list.


The QS World University discipline ranking evaluates 51 disciplines from 1543 universities.

Of all the universities in the Netherlands, Wageningen University and Research Centre ranks first in the fields of agronomy and forestry, biology, and environmental science, and second in development research, zoology, and geophysics.

The discipline ranking of QS World University is based on "reputation assessment (academic reputation, employer reputation)" and "academic impact assessment (publication, H index, citation rate)", with about half of the influencing factors.