
The convenient measure of "mechanical weeding" in Xinbei has been abused and the Agriculture Bureau has imposed heavy penalties on the illegal land consolidation.

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, (Taiwan TB News Network / reporter Sun Yaozhang) in order to enable farmers to quickly sort out their farmland, the New Taipei Municipal Bureau of Agriculture has launched farmland mechanical weeding to simplify the administration and facilitate the people, so that farmers can use small machines to remove weeds, but mechanical weeding means that manpower cannot be moved.

The convenient measure of "mechanical weeding" in Xinbei has been abused and the Agriculture Bureau has imposed heavy penalties on the illegal land consolidation.

(Taiwan TB News Network / reporter Sun Yaozhang) in order to enable farmers to quickly sort out their farmland, the New Taipei Municipal Bureau of Agriculture has launched farmland mechanical weeding to simplify administration and facilitate the people, so that farmers can use small machines to remove weeds on farmland, but mechanical weeding refers to the use of power machinery to remove weeds that cannot be removed by manpower, and cannot carry out excavation and slope preparation of farmland. Recently, Chen surname of Sanxia District applied to the Bureau of Agriculture for mechanical weeding. As a matter of fact, the Bureau of Agriculture imposed a penalty of NT $60,000 on land preparation in accordance with the law, and asked the operators to make corrections within a time limit, and those who failed to make corrections within the time limit would be punished continuously.

The New Taipei City Bureau of Agriculture pointed out that at the beginning of 111, the Bureau of Agriculture received a notification from the police that the Tianfuli organic equipment in Sanxia District was under construction. After a preliminary understanding of the applicant, in order to carry out land demarcation, he applied to the Bureau of Agriculture for mechanical weeding to facilitate subsequent farming use. In order to be cautious, the Agriculture Bureau immediately sent personnel to clarify the situation, and it was found at the scene that Chen was excavating the foot of the agricultural slope. the operator was fined 60,000 yuan for land preparation without first drawing up an application for soil and water conservation, and asked to make corrections within a time limit. In this case, the Agriculture Bureau, the public office and other relevant units will continue to strengthen inspection, and if they fail to correct within the time limit or there are further violations, the city government will impose heavier penalties.

The New Taipei Municipal Bureau of Agriculture said that applying for mechanical weeding is not a death-free gold medal, and that soil and water conservation plans should still be applied for soil and water conservation plans for excavating land preparation and changing topography on hillside land, which can only be carried out after approval. If people have doubts about the application for soil and water conservation plan, they can first apply to the Bureau of Agriculture for free consultation from the soil and water conservation service team. The New Taipei City soil and Water Conservation Service Group provides free professional consultation on soil and water conservation on the 22nd floor of New Taipei City every Monday and Thursday. Members of the public can also call the soil and water conservation service hotline: 02-2965-9930.

If members of the public find unknown people and equipment, excavate hillsides or accumulate earth and rocks at will, they can call 1999 New North Citizens' special line to inform them that New Taipei City-will immediately send personnel to stop and ban it. According to the provisions of the soil and Water Conservation Law, if the treatment and maintenance of soil and water conservation is not carried out in accordance with the regulations, a fine of not less than NT $60,000 and not more than NT $300000 will be imposed, and those who cause soil and water loss will face a combined fine of more than six months. I urge the public not to take any chances to try the law.

The convenient measure of "mechanical weeding" in ▲ Xinbei was abused, and the Agriculture Bureau conducted an on-the-spot investigation and found Chen surnamed operators to prepare the land without application.

(courtesy of New North Agriculture Bureau)