
Shanghai solved the problem of local vegetable supply by planting 80,000 mu of green leafy vegetables.

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, Nongxun reported that at a press conference on epidemic prevention and control in Shanghai this (17) morning, Lu Zhengrong, deputy director of the Shanghai Agricultural Village Committee, explained how to increase the supply of local vegetables. The first is to strengthen the efforts to rush for seeds of vegetables. Some supportive policies have been issued at the two levels in Shanghai.

Nongxun reported that at a press conference on epidemic prevention and control in Shanghai this (17) morning, Lu Zhengrong, deputy director of the Shanghai Agricultural Village Committee, explained how to increase the supply of local vegetables.


The first is to strengthen the efforts to rush for seeds of vegetables. Some supportive policies have been issued at the urban level in Shanghai to encourage and guide some vegetable production cooperatives, including vegetable production enterprises, to grow enough green leafy vegetables for real estate. According to the latest statistics, in the past month, the whole city of Shanghai has planted more than 80, 000 mu of vegetables and 58000 mu of green leafy vegetables. So far, the amount of vegetables in the field has reached 246000 mu, and the area of the whole green leafy vegetable in the field has reached 150000 mu, which is basically the same as in previous years.

The second is to strengthen the rush to harvest vegetables. On the basis of ensuring the prevention and control of the epidemic, we should try our best to increase the rate of resumption of work in vegetable enterprises and release some of the labor force for harvesting vegetables. At present, among the 849 large-scale vegetable production enterprises in Shanghai, 667 have begun to resume work and production, with a recovery rate of 78.6% and a resumption rate of 75%. After April 15, the average daily listing volume of leafy greens in the suburbs of Shanghai has reached more than 2000 tons, and it is relatively stable.

The third is to increase the distribution of vegetables. In order to smooth the channels for the sale of vegetables in the whole real estate, we must first enhance the transport capacity. At present, the whole city of Shanghai has issued more than 2900 passes for guaranteed supply of vegetables, which can transport vegetables from the fields in the suburbs as much as possible, and at the same time strengthen the docking of production and marketing for large-scale enterprises. through collection, distribution, collection and delivery and other modes to dock some guarantee enterprises and new retail terminals to expand sales. For some small and medium-sized retail investors, by increasing the docking of some leading enterprises and cooperatives, we can help these small and medium-sized retail investors solve their sales difficulties, which also increases the supply of vegetables in the market. Next, Shanghai will continue to solidly promote all kinds of work to further consolidate the foundation of vegetable supply.