
The Oriental Beauty Tea Festival in Zhuxian County takes the stage at the weekend to experience the plus-size feast of oil tea.

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, Oriental Beauty Tea Festival and Camellia oleifera Industry Fair in Emei Township, Hsinchu County, this last holiday (13th and 14th) will be unveiled in Chike Mountain bitter Tea and Oil Tea Workshop. Emei township public office and farmers' association carefully prepared activities such as "tea table experience under pomelo trees", "bitter tea oil tea banquet", "creating oriental beauty tea bar" and other activities.

Oriental Beauty Tea Festival and Camellia oleifera Industry Fair in Emei Township, Hsinchu County, this last holiday (13th and 14th) will be unveiled in the bitter tea and oil tea workshop in Chike Mountain. Emei township public office and farmers' association meticulously prepared activities such as "tea table experience under the pomelo tree", "bitter tea oil tea banquet", "creating oriental beauty tea bar" and other activities to invite the public to take a cultural trip to the tea village.


Wang Zengzhong, head of Emei township, said that the most important feature of Oriental Beauty Tea is that it does not spray any pesticides when it is planted. Only through the "winding" of the small green leafhopper (attached to the tea cyanine sucking) can the sweet tea taste be achieved. Due to the limited area of the tea garden and the need for careful selection of the tea harvested by hand, only 40% to 50% of the tea can be made into oriental beauty tea, and the output is very limited, so the market price remains high, which can be called "tea gold".

Chen Guanyi, director general of the Emei Township Peasant Association, said that in addition to Oriental Beauty Tea and citrus, Emei Township has also actively promoted the "Camellia oleifera" industry in recent years, working with the bitter tea oil production and marketing crew to launch bitter tea oil gift boxes and combine them with the local agricultural special products "barrel mandarin line" and "oriental beauty tea line" to develop bitter tea oil special dishes to subvert the public's impression of bitter tea.

The Oriental Beauty Tea Festival was held on the 13th and 14th of the Oriental Beauty Tea Festival in Chike Mountain (25-6 Chike Mountain, Huguang Village, Emei Township). On that day, you can experience DIY and Oriental Beauty Camellia freeze DIY for 50 yuan. There is also a person at the scene who can enjoy the "bitter tea, oil, tea and gourmet buffet feast" provided by the operator, and the surrounding activities include tea table experience served by professional tea makers, food farmers' education experience, landscape art sign-in area, and so on.


On the 13th, the "Emei slow Oil Tour Tea Farmer Education experience" was also held to lead the public to experience the production process of bitter tea oil, from camellia seeds and drying tea seeds to squeezing bitter tea oil, and finally enjoy delicious bitter tea oil into dishes. Details of the event can be found on the Facebook fan page of "Emei Township Oriental Beauty Tea Festival".