
Changgeng University Joins Hands with Four Memory Factories to Rescue Memory Talent Shortage

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, (Taiwan TB News Network/Reporter Chen Mingzong) Chang Gung University School of Engineering teamed up with four memory manufacturers, including Wang Hong (2337), South Asia (2408), Jing Hao Ke (3006) and Yu Chuang (5351), to sign an industry-university cooperation contract on the 12th and set up a memory master's class, giving priority to...

Chang Gung University joined hands with four memory factories to rescue the shortage of memory talents

(Taiwan TB News Network / reporter Chen Mingzong) the School of Engineering of Chang Gung University joined hands with four major memory manufacturers, Wang Hong (2337), South Asia Science (2408), Jing Haoke (3006), and Yuchuang (5351), to sign an industry-university cooperation contract on the 12th and set up a master's program in memory, giving priority to training elites for Taiwan's memory industry.

Both China and Japan have adopted cooperative measures in the development of the semiconductor industry. Japan established a very large integrated circuit (VLSI) in the 1980s to jointly defeat the United States, and the United States subsequently formed the Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Alliance (SEMATECH) to fight back against Japan.

Lu Zhiyuan, general manager of Wang Hong, Su Linqing, executive vice president of South Asia Section, Zhang Mingjian, general manager of Jinghaoke, and Deng Maosong, general manager of Yuchuang Technology, signed a contract with Chang Gung University.

Tang Mingzhe, president of Chang Gung University, said that through the cooperation model of both theory and practice, such as corporate internships, corporate courses, and the provision of scholarships, students can get close to the spirit of enterprise during their study, understand the current context of the industry, and try to solve practical problems in the industry. to achieve the goal of employment and work as soon as you graduate.

President Tang Mingzhe pointed out that when it comes to the IC chip or semiconductor industry, few people will think that memory chips are also a key component affecting the development of the electronics industry. Taiwan's semiconductor industry has a job market of 300000 people, with an annual growth rate of more than 10%. With the diversification of 5G, AI computing, electric vehicles and electronic products, memory performance has become an indispensable functional project.

Memory products are mainly designed and manufactured in accordance with international standards, and the quality and cost of manufacturing in Taiwan are of international standard, so it is worthwhile for Taiwan's higher education system to invest more resources to train its own talents, so as to support the development of the industry. At present, Taiwan's memory output value is close to NT $300 billion, and it should double its growth in the future, but there is an obvious shortage of supply and demand in the domestic semiconductor industry, which indirectly affects the country's competitiveness.

For this reason, Chang Gung University initiated the initiative to cooperate with Wang Hong, South Asia, Jing Haoke, Yuchuang and other memory companies to plan a solid course of one year in school and one year of internship in enterprises. at the same time, students can strengthen theory through professional courses and keep pace with the development trend of the industry, so as to meet the needs of the docking industry and ensure that Taiwan's memory industry is competitive internationally.

Lai Chaosong, dean of the School of Engineering at Chang Gung University, said that Taiwan has a leading position in the global semiconductor industry and has a competitive advantage. In the face of future market demand, rapid succession and training of relevant talents is one of the primary efforts of the country and colleges and universities.

The master program for memory majors planned by Chang Gung University is to cooperate with the above-mentioned international companies. In addition to offering courses and practical employment courses, Chang Geng also hopes to use the excellent industrial strength of the four companies to combine the resources of Chang Gung University to bring together and exchange the top technologies of both sides and increase the competitiveness of students in society. Keep good talent and technology in Taiwan, at the same time improve industrial quality, increase related R & D capacity, and train high-level professionals.

Chang Gung University signed an industry-university cooperation contract with Wang Hong, South Asia, Jing Haoke and Yuchuang.