
Management method after grafting of yellow bark

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Management method after grafting of yellow bark

With the development of agricultural technology, for farmers planting yellow fruit trees, grafting can not only improve the growth of fruit trees, but also improve yield and quality, which is a more practical method to produce wampee. However, if you are negligent in prevention after wampee grafting, it may also lead to grafting failure, so how to manage it after wampee grafting? Let's get to know it with the editor.

1. Check for survival

15-20 days after wampee grafting, when the buds of the scion begin to sprout, it is necessary to check the survival of the grafted seedlings, but the seedlings with fresh buds and falling petioles indicate that they have survived. In order to survive, the seedlings should be regrafted in time, and the supplementary varieties should be the same as the original grafted varieties.

2. Unbind

When grafted with wampee, the grafting interface will be covered with plastic film, and when the scion sprouts, it will automatically rush out of the bound plastic film and grow upward. When the new shoots are ripe for the first time, that is, when the leaves turn green, the graft interface basically heals, and there is no need for plastic film bandaging, and the plastic film will also affect the growth of buds. At this time, you can use a knife to cut the dressing film on the back, so that the film belt can be loosened.

3. Wipe the buds and set the dry

After yellow skin grafting, the axillary buds on the rootstock will germinate after ten and a half days. At this time, the buds should be checked and wiped out in time to concentrate nutrients for scion growth. After scion bud germination, too many buds should be removed according to the principle of staying strong, weak and positive, and only one robust bud should be left as the trunk. The seedling can be dried when it grows to 50-60 cm. The method is to cut the top at the height of 45-50 cm. There should be 3-4 buds with full bud eyes and moderate bud spacing below the cut, and 34 strong shoots with different directions should be left after budding to form the main branch.

4. Fertilization method

Fertilization can be started after the first ripening of the new shoots of the scion, when it is mainly drenched with thin fertilizer solution, such as 10 times diluted manure and 5% nitrogen-containing compound fertilizer solution. After that, it is necessary to apply fertilizer once before each shoot and during the growing period of new shoots, mainly based on leaf color. If the base fertilizer is sufficient and the content of soil organic matter is high, there is generally no need for a large amount of fertilization. In the early stage of grafted seedlings, attention should be paid to watering during drought and drainage during waterlogging, so as to prevent excessive dryness and wetness, keep the soil moist and meet the water needs of seedlings.

The above is the introduction of management methods after wampee grafting. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.