
During the epidemic period, Qixi Festival gave gifts as the first choice for Xinbei Balimi Sydney and heart-shaped pomelo on the market.

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, (Taiwan TB News Network / reporter Sun Yaozhang) this year, Qixi Festival's Valentine's Day is approaching, coinciding with the slowing down of COVID-19 's epidemic. If relatives, friends and couples still don't know how to give gifts, the New Taipei City Bureau of Agriculture said on the 6th that the newly listed Micheli pear and limited edition heart-shaped pomelo will be seven.

During the epidemic period, Qixi Festival gave gifts as the first choice for Xinbei Balimi Sydney and heart-shaped pomelo on the market.

(Taiwan TB News Network / reporter Sun Yaozhang) this year, Qixi Festival's Valentine's Day is approaching, coinciding with the slowing down of COVID-19 's epidemic. If relatives, friends and couples still don't know how to give gifts, the New Taipei City Bureau of Agriculture said on the 6th that the newly listed Micheli pear and limited edition heart-shaped pomelo will be Qixi Festival's first choice for Valentine's Day gifts.

The Bureau of Agriculture said that heart-shaped pomelo is full of elegant happiness because of its loving shape, coupled with grapefruit aroma, and on the other hand, "pomelo" also symbolizes "blessing", so the gift of heart-shaped pomelo also means to bless peace, hoping that everyone can survive the epidemic safely.

The Bureau of Agriculture pointed out that more than 600 grams of Wendan pomelo have thicker flesh and less moisture, which affects the taste, so Huang Afa, the director of the "Kuantian eight Farm" in Bali District, began to try to plant heart-shaped pomelo in 102, changing the shape of large fruits of low value and increasing their value. Heart-shaped pomelo officially went on sale in 103. Because of its loving shape, grapefruit has the words of LOVE and happiness on the surface. Coupled with the fragrance of grapefruit, it has become the first choice for Qixi Festival to convey love on Valentine's Day.

In addition, the Bali honey snow pear officially went on the market in August. The Bali District Peasant Association said that the chilled water pear is crisp and juicy, which is the best summer sacred product in the hot summer, while the honey snow pear tastes particularly sweet and juicy and eats sweetly. It can also be used as a gift for Qixi Festival on Valentine's Day.

The Agriculture Bureau said that the "pomelo agricultural orchard" is located on the mountain of the Buddha Temple in Xilongyan, Bali District. Facing the mouth of the Tanshui River, the fruits grown are not only full of salt and sunshine, but also taste particularly sweet and juicy. Li Jincheng, the owner of the orchard, has been planting honey pear for nearly 20 years. Originally, it was mainly produced by Gaojie pear. In recent years, it has been found that honey pear, produced by natural flowers, looks like an apple and is very beautiful. Honey pear with an average of 500 to 700 grams, meticulous meat with high water content, sweet with slightly sour fruit. It has a unique aroma different from that of ordinary water pears, so it has been changed to natural flowers in recent years. However, because of the natural flower production, the fruit ripening time is scattered and can not be harvested uniformly, and the production period is expected to end on August 20. This year, pomelo farmers' honey pears are of good quality, with an output of nearly 3,000 jin.

This year Qixi Festival Valentine's Day gift, Xinbei launched Bali District Honey Snow Pear, heart-shaped pomelo as the first choice. (provided by the Bureau of Agriculture)

This year Qixi Festival Valentine's Day gift, Xinbei launched Bali District Honey Snow Pear, heart-shaped pomelo as the first choice. (provided by the Bureau of Agriculture)