
The 2022 Taiwan Lantern Festival returns to Kaohsiung on a larger scale and more economical.

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, The national index celebration "Taiwan Lantern Festival" returned to Kaohsiung again after 20 years. "2022 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Kaohsiung" was the first double home of Aihewan and Weiwuying, covering an area of nearly 100ha, twice the area of the lamp area in recent years.

The 2022 Taiwan Lantern Festival returns to Kaohsiung on a larger scale and more economical.

The national index-level celebration "Taiwan Lantern Festival" returned to Kaohsiung again after 20 years. "2022 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Kaohsiung" was the first dual home venue of Aihewan and Weiwuying, covering an area of nearly 100ha, which is twice the area of the lamp area in recent years. At the same time, the most innovative land, sea and air curatorial exhibition and the most intelligent exhibition technology are expected to create economic benefits of 20 billion yuan and 12 million visitors. Kaohsiung City-460 million yuan will be allocated on its own, and the advance payment bill will be passed at the municipal council on the 4th, which will be sent to the council for deliberation. Under the premise of long lighting period, double fields and large area, this expenditure is relatively more economical.

The Gao municipal government explained that in the past three years, the scale of Taiwan Lantern Festival activities (including central subsidies and local budgets) was about 700 million to 900 million, the average local self-fund-raising was 457 million to 526 million yuan, and the total scale of 2022 Taiwan Lantern Festival was about 720 million yuan. The city government estimated that it would make 460 million yuan on its own. As the preparation time is more urgent than in previous years, it is impossible to prepare the budget in advance, so it will be implemented in the form of advance payment. It is mainly used for lamp district exhibition and construction, power configuration and facility preparation, lantern show and TV show, transportation connection and related facilities preparation, etc., in a relatively economical way, to do a good job of national events.

The municipal government said that the holding of large-scale events will lead to the growth of local economic benefits. the series of activities held at the end of last year and the beginning of this year have brought considerable benefits to Kaohsiung in terms of viewing, broadcasting, crowds, sales, traffic volume, and so on. Taiwan Lantern Festival 2022 has a longer lighting period, large area, low cost and other characteristics, which is expected to generate 20 billion yuan in economic benefits and 12 million visitors.

The 2022 Taiwan Lantern Festival will hold a lantern reception ceremony at Weiwu Camp this Saturday. Minister Wang Guocai of the Ministry of Communications will be present to witness that Zhang Xicong, Director of Tourism of the Ministry of Communications, and Lin Zhijian, Mayor of Hsinchu, will hand over the Taiwan Lantern Festival token, which represents the right to host the Taiwan Lantern Festival, to Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Qimai to greet the glorious moment of the return of the 2022 Taiwan Lantern Festival to Kaohsiung.