
How to fertilize onions? Planting method and sowing time of onion

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, How to fertilize onions? Planting method and sowing time of onion

How to grow onions? In order to increase production, pest control, fertilizer and water management, variety management and other stages of onion cultivation is very important, onion nutrition is high, the taste is also very good, what should be paid attention to when growing onion? Let's take a look at it next.

I. during the planting period

Whether the proper selection of onions during planting does great harm to the production of onions, so we must pay close attention to it when choosing and planting onions. Although onions can be planted all the year round, it is best to start planting in August and September if you want to increase production and high quality onions. At this time, the degree of planting in general areas is about 20 to 25 degrees. In most cases, the germination period, growth and development of onions.

2. Seed selection

When it comes to seed collection, we all know that it is necessary to select high-quality varieties, so how to choose? First of all, people must grasp the planting situation of local onions to see how the varieties they choose and whether the production is high, followed by an analysis of the sales market and the competitiveness of growing this variety of onions. After choosing a good variety and planting, that is to say, high-quality oysters should be selected from them. People mainly observe carefully whether the colors of oysters are bright and whether they are round. Is there any disease, etc., if not, that would be fine.

Third, watering

People must water the land before planting to ensure the environmental humidity of the soil, that is to say, it must be irrigated until the onion grows three leaves. During the growing period of onions, there must be a certain amount of water, and it must not be too dry, otherwise the onions below will not grow big, and the onions will not have any water, under normal circumstances, we will water them once a week, but it should be noted that dry onions should not be watered in winter, otherwise the onions will rot.

IV. Fattening

Fertilizing is a critical stage in onion planting, so great attention must be paid to the irreplaceable damage to the growth and development of onions if the fertilizer is not used correctly or the dosage is incorrect. Under standard conditions, it is best to be dominated by organic fertilizer or organic chemical rotten fertilizer, with appropriate organic fertilizer to carry out assistance, the average value of one mu must be about 2000 jin of fertilizer, in which the amount of organic fertilizer is about 300 jin. The second is that onions must have abundant nutrients during the growth period, so we should carry out appropriate fertilization according to the growth and development of onions, and choose which fertilizers to topdressing according to the actual situation.

5. Diseases

The most common diseases of onions are downy mildew, bacterial wilt and their onion field flies. Downy mildew and bacterial wilt are generally prevented by spraying chlorothalonil or Bordeaux solution, while onion field flies can be irrigated in the fields. because onion field flies are not waterproof, they will escape or even drown.