
Symptoms, causes and Control methods of navel Rot in Tomato

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Symptoms, causes and Control methods of navel Rot in Tomato

Tomato navel rot is also known as rump rot and pedicle rot, also known as black plaster. It is a non-parasitic pest of tomato. It is widely produced in open field cultivation and greenhouse planting in China, mostly on fruits with large fruit ripening period. nowadays, tomato navel rot is more and more, and the production and quality of many tomatoes cause great harm. The following net editor talks about the symptoms, causes and prevention methods of tomato navel rot. Let's take a look.

I. the disease of tomato navel rot

In the tomato young fruit and green fruit, the navel produces watermark, dark green disease spot, slowly become dark brown or black, more serious, the disease spot expands to one and a half fruit surface, and the diseased melon pulp collapses and folds. Under the wet standard, the diseased bacteria are parasitic and produce black or bright red mildew substances.

2. Tomato navel rot

1. Green plants are rich in water and full of growth and development in a period of time. For example, there is a sudden change in soil moisture, and when there is little water, the navel of green fruit lacks a lot of water and causes the mechanism to shrink.

2. The lack of calcium in the whole process of green plants leads to the confusion of navel somatic cell physiology and navel rot.

3. Prevention of tomato navel rot

The main results are as follows: 1. To improve the cultivation technology of tomato, plastic film mulching can increase soil temperature, promote the growth and development of rhizome, improve the moisture absorption capacity of main stem, apply organic fertilizer and improve the water storage capacity of soil.

2. Topdressing calcium fertilizer. Before tomato planting, 50-75KG per mu of lime powder was applied to the heavy acid-alkaline soil caused by navel rot, evenly scattered on the road surface and mixed with ploughing and raking. The actual effect was very obvious.

3. Carry out extra-root fertilization. Spraying 1% calcium carbonate or 0.1% calcium chloride or navel rot at flowering stage can greatly improve the disease resistance of green fruit.

Above are the symptoms, causes and prevention methods of tomato navel rot. At this stage, tomato navel rot has been widely produced, which does great harm to tomato fruits, reduce the commercialization of tomato, reduce tomato production, and cause certain property losses to farmers. Growers must innovate in management, prevent immediately and prevent unnecessary damage.