
Where is it suitable to grow horseradish in China? it is expected to see the middle altitude horseradish in Alishan.

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, Horseradish, an endemic crop in Alishan Township, Chiayi County, gradually disappeared after the Forestry Bureau banned the planting of state-owned woodland for land security 20 years ago. Horseradish farmers are also horseradish merchants who introduced 12 Japanese varieties three years ago. Net in Shikui area about 1200 meters above sea level

The endemic crop "horseradish" in Alishan Township, Chiayi County, gradually disappeared after the Forestry Bureau banned the cultivation of state-owned woodland for land security 20 years ago. Horseradish farmers are also horseradish merchants who introduced 12 Japanese varieties three years ago. Cultivated in a net room in Shikuan area at an altitude of about 1200 meters, two varieties of horseradish suitable for planting at medium altitude have been successfully domesticated. It is expected that healthy seedlings will be planted to farmers next year.

Horseradish was once a high cash crop for residents on Alishan, and most of it was exported to Japan, but since 2011, the Forestry Bureau has recovered land on the grounds that planting wasabi violates soil and water conservation and ecological conservation, and its area has gradually decreased. Without economic scale, it is impossible to export, and farmers' willingness to grow horseradish is low, and horseradish has become extinct.

Jiang Jinpin, a native of Alishan, has been engaged in horseradish production and marketing for more than 40 years. Due to the policy of the Forestry Bureau, the wasabi business was transferred to Yunnan, bringing a lot of income to local residents. In 2018, 12 Japanese horseradish varieties were introduced to Taiwan due to the medium altitude horseradish restoration program of the Bureau of soil and Water Conservation of the Council of Agriculture. 12 Japanese horseradish varieties were introduced and tested at an altitude of about 1200 meters, and two kinds of horseradish were successfully tested.

Jiang Jinpin said that the roots, stems and leaves of horseradish can be used. Green stalks can harvest stems and leaves in about 6 months, while red stems are not popular with customers because of their color, so they can be planted for about 2 years. At present, authentic Alishan horseradish costs 2800 yuan per kilogram, and it will be an important cash crop in the mountain area in the future.

A few days ago, County Mayor Weng Zhangliang also visited the horseradish restoration garden in Jiang Jinpin. Jiang Jinpin pointed out that it is expected that healthy seedlings of horseradish can be sold next year, and he also hopes that in the future, a horseradish tourism park can be set up in Alishan, similar to that of Japan, to promote the tourism industry. Weng Zhangliang is also sure that the restoration will be successful and will support related development in the future.