
Pruning methods of Chinese Chestnut in Spring

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Pruning methods of Chinese Chestnut in Spring

Chinese chestnut can be pruned all the year round, but the time and key points of pruning are different in different seasons. The sprouting season of Chinese chestnut in spring is also a good time to prune Chinese chestnut. So how to trim Chinese chestnut in spring? When will it be trimmed? Let's get to know it with the editor.

1. The effect and time of spring pruning of Chinese chestnut.

The spring pruning of Castanea mollissima is usually from one month before sprouting to the budding period, when the flow of chestnut sap begins to intensify, the nutrients stored by the roots begin to hydrolyze and transport upward, and the flower buds differentiate further, which is the key period of flower sex differentiation. At this time, because the female flower differentiation is in the bud germination period, and the morphological differentiation is carried out on the outer shoot of the bud, pruning can make the nutrients more concentrated, which is conducive to the further differentiation of flower bud differentiation and increase the number of female flowers.

2. Branch pulling method

In spring, the sap flow of Chinese chestnut plant is that the backbone branch with small angle can be pulled to the desired angle by rope or wire, and the branch can also be pulled out in summer, at the same time, Qiangwang auxiliary branch can be flattened in spring, and several buds will be scratched on the branch part of the time limit, so as to urge it to send out strong branches and return to the strong branches during winter cutting to form a more compact fruiting branch group.

3. Burn method

The method of engraving means that before sprouting in spring, the upper part of the bud is cut 0.5 cm cross-cut with a grafting knife, the depth goes straight to the xylem and the cortex is cut off. Because the upper nutrients are blocked, it limits the downward transport of hormones produced by the terminal bud to inhibit the germination of lateral buds, which can make the buds sprout into strong branches. The edge of the grafting knife is not obvious, so it is easy to be missed, and the steel saw blade is often used in production.

4. Pick the heart and sprout

The coring method is mainly used to remove the lignified tip of the new shoot during the growing period of Castanea mollissima. For young trees, it can control the length of the new shoot, promote branching and form in advance. The coring of the front shoot of the over-long fruit can slow down the extroversion length of the fruit-bearing part, and the fruit-bearing part can move outward when the fruit-bearing branch is removed completely. Generally, before mixing the sprouts to spread the leaves, the effect of wiping out the sprouts from the regenerated parts is better than that of the branches of the Great Wall later, and it can also increase the number of female flowers and reduce the abortion rate of mixed inflorescences, which is more suitable for close planting orchards.

The above is the introduction of spring pruning methods of Chinese chestnut. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.