
Matters needing attention in the management of shed in spring

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Matters needing attention in the management of shed in spring

With the rise of the temperature in spring, the night temperature in the shed is also increasing, when the shed management is a little improper, there will be a lot of problems, which is extremely disadvantageous to the growth of crops. Therefore, spring shed management must pay attention to the following points, along with the editor to understand it.

1. Guard against apprentices

With the temperature rising and day and night shrinking, plants and crops are very prone to overgrowth, especially eggplant melons and vegetables. Once they grow, they are easy to drop flowers and fruits, and they are also easy to produce deformed fruits. In order to prevent overgrowth, we must first control the seedling age and plant in time, so as not to miss the best planting time. Within 15-30 days before planting, we should do a good job of soil preparation, fertilization and light, and dig drainage ditches at the same time, so that drainage and irrigation can effectively drain and dehumidify in the rainy season. Help slow. When overgrowth has occurred, timely measures should be taken to reduce the loss to a minimum, first of all, combined with ploughing and weeding to cut off part of the root system, weaken the root absorption capacity and control the aboveground plant growth, but it is not suitable to cut off the main root. at the same time, plant growth regulators were used to control overgrowth.

2. Prevent the cold in late spring

The most serious harm in spring is simplicity, which has a great impact on crops, so after the seedlings are complete, the seedling bed should be ventilated in time, gradually increase the ventilation rate with the increase of air temperature, and improve the cold resistance of seedlings. Timely irrigation before the late spring cold can reduce the degree of freezing injury, or spray water on the surface of the plant with a sprayer to increase air humidity, which can delay the freezing injury. In the protected area, before the cold spell comes, coal stoves can be built in the shed or electric heaters or heating blocks can be used for temporary heating, so as to increase the temperature in the shed and prevent frost damage, but once we should pay attention to ventilation to avoid gas poisoning.

3. Prevention of hormone poisoning

After the increase of temperature, the concentration of flower and dipping melon should be reduced correspondingly. Too high concentration will affect the flower bud differentiation of the plant, resulting in leaf shrinkage, deformity and deformed fruit. When hormone poisoning occurs, the first thing is to spray a large amount of water, which can not only wash away the drug solution on the plant surface, but also dilute the concentration of the drug solution, and spray growth regulators at the same time to enhance the recovery ability and quickly restore the normal growth of the plant. After that, topdressing and loosening the soil were carried out to enhance the plant's own recovery ability and relieve the drug damage. At the same time, in view of the drug damage occurred, spray the corresponding mitigation agents.

4. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests

After the temperature rises, the occurrence of diseases and insect pests is also more common. Prevention and comprehensive control measures should be taken to control the spread of diseases and insect pests, and the common diseases of vegetables should be sprayed and controlled in time. After entering April, high temperature and strong light, crops are very prone to sunburn, we can take measures to pick leaves and wipe branches, but not too much at one time, spray foliar fertilizer, promote flowering and fruit setting, and prevent the occurrence of physiological diseases.

The above is the spring shed management notes, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.