
How to raise succulent plants in Bonia

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Bonia succulent plants originated in southern Africa, the better state of the Bonia leaves grow chubby, furry, very lovely. So how should Bonia succulent be raised? Let's take a look.

How to raise succulent plants in Bonia

The cultivation method of succulent plant Bonia is also relatively simple. Bonia needs sufficient sunshine and cool, dry environment, resistant to semi-shade, afraid of waterlogging, and avoid muggy and humid. It has the habit of growing in cool season and dormant at high temperature in summer. Bonia is not strict with soil, so it is OK to keep it permeable with peat soil and coarse sand.

The growing period from September to June of the second year is Bonia (the environment of flower friends is different, and the growing period is also short). If the light is not enough, the plant is easy to grow, and the distance between leaves and leaves will be longer, making the plant type loose, the stem very fragile, the leaves elongating and the color lighter. On the other hand, the plants that grow in sunny places are short and strong, the arrangement between leaves will be relatively compact, and the growth of Bonia is not too slow.

During the growing period of Bonia, it is necessary to keep the soil slightly wet and avoid stagnant water. Bonia can withstand a low temperature of about minus 2 ℃ when the basin soil is dry, which is the indoor temperature, not open air. The water is basically cut off throughout the winter, and the water will begin to be cut off slowly below 5 degrees. When the summer temperature exceeded 35 ℃, the growth of the whole plant basically stagnated. At this time, watering should be reduced to prevent root rot caused by excessive moisture in the basin soil. And strengthen ventilation, proper shading, avoid hot sun exposure, the whole summer is basically such conservation, it is worth explaining that in summer, not the whole season is cut off water, is only a small amount of water, otherwise the old leaves are easy to dry, watering only on the edge of the basin, about 2-4 times a month, around 7-9 o'clock in the evening water supply, by this time the sun has gone down, will not affect the roots of plants.

Bonia should avoid long-term rain in cultivation to prevent damage to the roots and yellow and rotten branches. Because Bonia grows relatively fast, it is almost enough to change the basin once in 1-2 years, and change the basin before watering for the first time in early spring.

How do Bonia succulent plants reproduce?

Bonia has branches, and reproduction can be decapitated, cuttings and ramets.

The cutting of branches in Bonia is very simple, just take off the healthy old branches and dry them in slightly moist sand. Shading and ventilation for more than 20 days basically grow roots, cutting is not often water supply, otherwise it is also easy to rot stems, cutting should choose spring and autumn.