
Planting techniques of purple carrot

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Planting techniques of purple carrot

Purple carrots are carrots whose skin color is purple. The content of nutrients is very high, such as vitamin C, carotene and so on. It can not only eat raw food, but also has various effects such as preventing hypertension and relieving eye fatigue. Therefore, there is also a certain planting area in our country. So how to grow purple carrots? Today, the editor brings you the planting technology of purple carrots. Let's have a look!

1. Soil preparation and fertilization

The land where purple carrots are planted should be kept away from the contaminated plots to ensure that the planting environment is suitable for the growth of purple carrots. The planting plot should be sandy soil with sufficient fertility, soft, thick and good drainage and irrigation capacity. The previous crops in the soil are not regarded as umbelliferous crops to avoid soil-borne diseases. Then turn the soil about 30 centimeters deep, fine rake 3 times, and then apply enough water. Purple carrot growth has a greater demand for potassium, so the base fertilizer should be properly added, but it is still dominated by farm manure.

2. Sowing seeds at the right time

Purple carrot seed coat is relatively hard, leathery, if not treated, then the seed germination rate is very low, water absorption is also very difficult. Therefore, before planting, we should rub the bristles off the seeds, then soak them in warm water of 40 degrees for about 5 hours, then remove them to dry and sow them. The sowing time of purple carrot is generally in July every year, which can be appropriately advanced, which can effectively prolong the growth period of purple carrot and increase its yield. The sowing method is mainly ditch sowing, first of all, high ridges are set up, sowing ditches are dug, soil is covered after sowing, and then watering is suppressed.

3. Seedling management

After the emergence of purple carrots, we should pay attention to the work of seedlings. When the seedlings grow two true leaves, the spacing of each strong seedling is kept at about 3cm for the first time. Then appropriate shallow hoe to improve the soil moisture conservation capacity. Then, when the seedlings grow to 4 true leaves, they will grow again. Finally, when two more true leaves are grown, the seedlings should be fixed, and the final distance between seedlings should be kept at about 8cm. The seedlings should remove all kinds of bad seedlings such as weak seedlings to ensure the quality of purple carrots and avoid affecting the planting efficiency.

4. Rational fertilization

The growth cycle of purple carrots is relatively long, so we should not only apply sufficient base fertilizer. During the whole growth period, we should also do a good job of topdressing, but we should be careful not to apply too much nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise it will easily lead to the overgrowth of purple carrots. Then the first topdressing was carried out about 3 weeks after emergence, mainly urea. Then topdressing again 45 days after emergence, that is, after the seedlings were fixed, mainly urea, farm manure, superphosphate and other fertilizers, almost the same as the first time.

The above is a brief introduction to the planting technology of purple carrot. The cultivation of purple carrots is actually similar to that of ordinary carrots, and the most important thing is to do a good job of management. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.