
What are the characteristics of flower arrangement in China? what is the classification of flower arrangement?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, China's traditional flower arrangement art is represented by literati flower arrangement, which has four major characteristics. (1) Line characteristics: the art of flower arrangement in China is mainly natural lines. The thread is the bone of flower arrangement in our country. The expressive force of lines is very rich, and different lines have different expressions.

China's traditional flower arrangement art is represented by literati flower arrangement, which has four major characteristics.

(1) Line characteristics: the art of flower arrangement in China is mainly natural lines. "Line" is the bone of flower arrangement in our country. The expressive force of lines is extremely rich, and different lines show different forms and spirits: some are soft, some are strong, some are slender, some are rough, some are elegant, and some are old. The art of flower arrangement makes use of the various forms of plant flowers, branches and leaves, through the length and thickness of lines, straight setbacks, strength and softness, deficiency and density, sketching out different shapes, such as simplicity, elegance, thinness, or ruggedness, etc., to create a variety of prying flower art works.

(2) the characteristics of artistic conception: flower arrangement in China is often a work of art in which the author's subjective mind and objective scenery are integrated, that is, the image thinking is completed through the author's imagination, association and fantasy. Therefore, artistic flower arrangement is not a simple repetition of natural images, but a blend of meaning and environment, form and spirit, scenery and emotion. Each flower arrangement art work is composed of "intention" and "vertical shape". Due to the limitation of the scope of space and natural materials, the art of flower arrangement is limited in the expression of artistic concept. therefore, in its conception, the art of flower arrangement often uses the means of borrowing things to imply meaning, such as using plum to express the strong bone, lonely high, welcoming spring and other themes; the performance of the lotus is spotless, clean and clean, and other themes; orchid performance of refined and elegant, at peace with the world and other themes.

(3) advocating nature: the flower arrangement in our country is mainly natural. In terms of artistic techniques, the beauty of decoration reflects the beauty of nature, that is, according to the natural posture of plant growth, the artistic conception of poetry and painting is expressed through the combination of various curves and straight lines, which originates from nature and is higher than nature. Asymmetrical balance techniques are often used in composition to avoid mechanical symmetry. Plant materials pay attention to the individual posture, that is, the posture of each flower, branch and leaf should be displayed in the work. Therefore, in the same work, plant varieties, wood quantity and color changes should be simple and avoid complexity. In the selection of materials, flowers, branches, leaves, fruits and vines must be used. As far as flowers are concerned, unblooming buds, half-blooming buds, and blooming flowers are used to show the natural stages of plant life.