
Causes and control methods of early bolting of carrots

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Causes and control methods of early bolting of carrots

Early bolting occurs during carrot growth, which means that the fleshy root of carrot is affected by low temperature at the early stage, and bolting occurs during vegetative growth, which will lead to more carrot fiber and cannot be eaten normally, seriously affecting yield and quality. So what is the reason for carrot bolting early? How to prevent it? Let's take a look at the detailed introduction.

1. Low temperature at seedling stage

In the carrot seedling stage, if the low temperature below 15 degrees, as long as more than half a month can make its vernalization, flower bud differentiation. But spring sowing carrot is easy to sprout because of lower temperature in early stage, higher temperature in middle stage and longer sunshine.

Control methods: spring sowing carrots to choose the appropriate sowing time, try to avoid low temperature seedling, in the temperature stability of sowing, if the seedling stage in case of low temperature climate, then to do a good job of heat preservation measures, reduce bolting rate.

2. Variety reasons

Carrot bolting is not only related to environmental factors, but also related to its own inheritance. Some varieties have higher natural bolting rate. In addition, the seeds are old and the vigor is low, the seedlings planted will also grow weakly, and the bolting rate will also increase in the late stage.

Control methods: When planting, we should choose varieties with strong winter and late bolting, and at the same time use new seeds. We should sow them in time according to local climatic conditions, and should not sow too early or too late.

3. Improper cultivation

Soil fertility and improper N, P and K fertilization will affect the stomach and kidney of carrots, indirectly lead to flower bud differentiation and early bolting.

Control methods: to strengthen fertilizer and water management, select deep, loose and fertile soil planting, fertilizer mainly organic fertilizer, fertilizer mainly nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, less phosphorus fertilizer, reduce bolting rate.

4. Reasons for growth regulators

When carrots grow, in order to promote their growth, improve yield and quality, many farmers will spray growth regulators, but carrots are more sensitive to acetic acid substances, which will promote their growth, so they should be cautious when using them.

Control methods: growth regulators in the use of caution, spraying acetic acid substances or carrots have early bolting phenomenon. Growth regulators that inhibit bolting can be sprayed, such as 0.1%-0.5% maleic hydrazide growth regulators, which can delay carrot bolting time.

The above is the carrot early bolting reasons and control methods introduced, I hope to help you, want to know more about the relevant knowledge, please pay attention to us.