
Planting and maintenance skills of snow bonsai in June

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Planting and maintenance skills of snow bonsai in June

June snow is also known as Jasmine and Siming. Next, I will introduce to you all the contents of how to raise it in June and how to make snow bonsai in June. I hope I can explain to you.

June snow like the sun, but also more resistant to shade, avoid strong winds and hot sun, high temperature and hot season should be shaded. Snow planting in June should be planted in spring, or cut in yellow plum rain, and shallow tea should be watered. It is not strict on temperature. It is evergreen in South China and semi-evergreen in Southwest China. The drought tolerance is strong, and the soil is not strict. Snow pot cultivation in June should use slightly acidic and moist soil containing humus, loose and fertile, strong permeability to make it grow well. At present, there are two common varieties of June snow on the market: one is clumpy, the flower is reddish, and the flower is shaped like a trumpet, which is inferior; the other is a small single-stem tree with pure white flowers and double petals.

Production method of snow bonsai in June

Source of June snow bonsai plants: June snow plants suitable for bonsai can be obtained by branching the mother plant in March and can also be propagated from April to October.

June snow bonsai basin soil: June snow basin soil is required to be rich in organic matter, loose and fertile sand loam with good drainage and permeability. Flowerpots can choose lighter purple sand pots or glaze pots, and the basin color should be slightly darker, which can be contrasted with June snow to increase ornamental. The snow basin in June should be held from February to March.

June snow bonsai light and temperature requirements: June snow likes sunny, warm and humid, well-ventilated environment. Sunshade should be 50% Mel 70% in early autumn, and room temperature should be kept at 5-12 ℃ in winter in the north.

June snow bonsai water and fertilizer requirements: in June snow growing season should be often watered, summer every day to June snow leaf spray 1-2 times, increase air humidity. Reduce the watering times in winter and keep the basin soil moist and slightly dry. June snow likes fertilizer, but each fertilization should not be too thick. It is necessary to apply 0.5% phosphate and potassium fertilizer solution to June snow 2-3 times in April-May every year. Applying dilute organic fertilizer 1-2 times in Ladong, it is not suitable to apply fertilizer in other seasons.

Maintenance skills of snow bonsai in June:

The production of snow bonsai in June is more time-consuming, so we should not be careless in maintenance, otherwise it will affect the beautiful effect of bonsai. Only by understanding the growth habits of snow in June can we better maintain it.

June snow like the sun, but also more resistant to shade, avoid strong winds and hot sun, high temperature and hot season should be shaded. Snow planting in June should be planted in spring, or cut in yellow plum rain, and shallow tea should be watered. It is not strict on temperature. It is evergreen in South China and semi-evergreen in Southwest China. The drought tolerance is strong, and the soil is not strict. Snow pot cultivation in June should use slightly acidic and moist soil containing humus, loose and fertile, strong permeability to make it grow well.

Snow bonsai cultivation in June must choose soft mountain soil, should be placed in the sun, can not be kept indoors for a long time. Fertilizer should be applied 1-2 times during the growing period, and the basin soil should be dry. Too much fertilizer and too much water will cause branches and leaves to grow too much. In addition, in order to ensure that the snow bonsai plants in June are symmetrical and plump, they also need to be trimmed and reshaped for artistic processing.

The snow bonsai in June should be in a fixed position and should not be moved from east to west. June snow pays attention to light. In summer, it is necessary to shade the sun in the hot sun, keep ventilated, spray water to its leaves once or twice a day, and maintain air humidity. In cold winter, straw can be slightly bandaged (about-10 ℃) to avoid freezing to death.

The above is the whole content of the planting and maintenance skills of snow bonsai in June for you. I hope this article can help you. Please continue to follow us.