
[tulips] the method of potted culture of tulips

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, [tulips] the method of potted culture of tulips

Many friends do not have a special understanding of the potted cultivation methods of tulips. Today, we will briefly introduce the potted cultivation methods of tulips. Let's have a look.

The symbolism of tulips

Tulips imply elegance, wealth, ability and intelligence. The flower words of tulips are love, charity, fame, beauty, blessing, eternity, love and eternal blessing. The meaning of tulips with different colors is different from that of flowers. The most common tulips are yellow tulips, pink tulips, red tulips and purple tulips. The flower words and meanings of yellow tulips are elegance, treasure, wealth, love and friendship. The flower words and meanings of pink tulips are beauty, love, love, friendship, happiness, and red tulips are love advertising, declaration of love, joy, love. The flower words and moral of purple tulips are noble love and endless love.

Pot Culture method of Tulip

Soil requirements:

The basin soil should be mixed with 6 parts of rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of sandy soil and 1 part of rotten barnyard manure. Flowerpots with a diameter of 20 cm can plant 3 plants in each pot. After sprouting and unearthed, thin liquid fertilizer can be applied every 10 days or so, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be applied once from budding to flowering. Always keep the basin soil in a moist state and keep it in the sun.

Temperature conditions:

Tulip prefers the warm climate in winter and cool climate in summer, and the suitable temperature for growth is 9 Mel 13 ℃. Strong cold resistance, can withstand the low temperature of-35 ℃ in winter. But avoid high temperature, under cool and cold conditions, tulips are not only colorful, but also have a long flowering period, if the temperature is too high, the flowers are easy to decay, which will seriously affect the ornamental.

Lighting conditions:

Tulips like strong light, and light is an important limiting factor for its flowering. In the process of cultivation, the plant should be guaranteed to receive no less than 8 hours of direct sunlight every day. This helps tulips accumulate more photosynthates, which can not only ensure the good growth of plants, but also ensure the normal opening of flowers.

Fertilization method:

In the flowering period control of tulips, it is usually possible to apply dilute liquid fertilizer rich in phosphorus and potassium once when the tulips grow 3 leaves and after the scape is produced, which can basically ensure the normal flowering of the tulips. If the growth is weak, some nitrogen fertilizer can be applied to promote the growth of tulips.

Watering method:

Water should be watered thoroughly after planting, so that the soil and seed bulbs can be fully and closely combined to facilitate rooting, and water should be properly controlled after budding, when the leaves are gradually elongated, water can be sprayed on the leaves to increase air humidity, and sufficient water should be ensured at bolting and budding stages. in order to promote the full development of flowers, proper water control is needed after flowering.

Pest control:

The main diseases of tulips are stem rot, soft rot, broken color disease, quenching disease, blind bud and so on. The diseased plants were dug up and destroyed in time, and 1 Mel fungicide was poured twice. At the same time, maintain good ventilation to avoid high temperature and humidity. When aphids occur, they can be sprayed 800 times with 3% natural pyrethroid.