
Are organic vegetables necessarily safe? Organic vegetables = safe vegetables?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, I believe that every time you go to the market to buy vegetables, you will ask those vegetable vendors whether the vegetables they sell are organic vegetables. In fact, most of them don't know what it is.

I believe that every time you go to the market to buy vegetables, you will ask those vegetable vendors whether the vegetables they sell are organic vegetables. In fact, most of them don't know what the so-called organic vegetables are. People often talk about organic vegetables, so how many people really know what organic vegetables are? So are organic vegetables necessarily safe? The following editor will popularize it for you:

Organic agriculture belongs to the highest stage.

Pollution-free vegetables and green vegetables belong to the transitional stage.

Pollution-free vegetables make up for the extreme lack of supply of organic agricultural products in the market to some extent.

Pollution-free vegetables meet the low-grade consumption demand in the period when people's purchasing power is still low.

Green vegetables and organic vegetables finally move towards unity; pollution-free vegetables and green vegetables finally move towards unity.

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