
In this way, asparagus will not lose a leaf, will not have yellow leaves, thick green leaves and blossom.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Asparagus is a potted plant that many friends like, its branches and leaves are ethereal and green, like clumps of green clouds, raise a pot at home full of scholarly flavor, you can put the study on the balcony. But in the process of conserving asparagus, it is easy to have yellow leaves, especially.

Asparagus is a potted plant that many friends like, its branches and leaves are ethereal and green, like clumps of green clouds, raise a pot at home full of scholarly flavor, you can put the study on the balcony. However, in the process of conserving asparagus, it is easy to have yellow leaves, especially if watering and fertilizing is not appropriate, which will affect the growth of asparagus. How should asparagus be maintained and how should it be watered and fertilized?

Raise asparagus at home, ten days a spoonful of these two "water", no longer yellow leaves fall leaves, branches and leaves green, lush and exuberant!

As we all know, asparagus is most afraid of strong light and too much watering, otherwise it is very easy to have yellow leaves and rotten roots. Therefore, asparagus should not be watered too much, nor can it be watered often. When it is hot in summer, it is necessary to spray water on the leaves of asparagus to maintain a certain degree of air humidity.

To tell whether it needs watering, you need to see whether the potted soil is dry, become a little white and then water it thoroughly, otherwise it will be watered often, and asparagus will easily lose its yellow leaves. We can't stop watering asparagus for many days, otherwise the long-term drought is easy to lose leaves and wither leaves, so we can't let the soil be too dry for a long time. To tell whether or not to water, the most important thing is to look at the surface of the basin soil, whether it has turned white and dry, poke it with a stick, then take it out to see the degree of dryness and wetness, and then decide whether or not to water it.

There are two tips for watering asparagus. The first is to water asparagus with cold boiled water, which is really effective. Asparagus no longer loses its leaves and becomes bald. It often uses cold boiled water to water asparagus, reducing the yellow leaves. The leaves of asparagus become greener and more luxuriant as they grow, and the branches become more luxuriant, denser and more beneficial.

In addition, usually occasionally pour some diluted Amoy rice water after fermentation, put in the window sill astigmatism place maintenance, no longer need to fertilize, can grow very well.

Or after the soybeans are cooked, fermented soybean water, diluted and watered thinly, can also increase nutrients. Make asparagus luxuriant and beautiful.

These kinds of water can be watered alternately during the growing period, with adequate nutrition, but also thin fertilizer and frequent application, so that asparagus grows better and better, and even produces beautiful little flowers.

At ordinary times, asparagus should not be placed in a place where the light is too strong, but in a place with astigmatism and ventilation.

Flower friends put a pot of asparagus on the ventilated balcony illuminated by astigmatism. I haven't changed the pot for ten years, just pour some water occasionally, and it grows very exuberantly and beautifully.