
The correct way to water the flowers with beer water and rice water is to treat the flowers in this way so that the roots will not rot.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Growing flowers at home is also very common, but there are not many flowers that can grow well. The most important thing is to apply fertilizer. The nutrients in the soil are very few, so there is no way to provide long-term nutrients to flowers. Many friends use beer or.

Growing flowers at home is also very common, but there are not many flowers that can grow well. The most important thing is to apply fertilizer. The nutrients in the soil are very few, so there is no way to provide long-term nutrients to flowers.

Many friends use beer or rice water to water the flowers, often after a period of time, the flower roots rot, this is not enough fate, but the wrong way of education, and then with the editor to increase knowledge.

Beer can be a good flower fertilizer, but can not directly use it to water flowers, we need to find a container, pour beer into, and then add water, the ratio of water to beer is 1:10, diluted with water can prevent flowers from rotting roots.

Also pay attention to do not frequently use beer as flower fertilizer, easy to over-nutrition, Amoy rice water is also a very good cost, it is rich in trace elements, is the nutrients needed for flower growth.

Using it to water the flowers can make the flowers look better, but we should be careful not to use the new rice water to water the flowers, which will cause the flowers to rot. Before watering the flowers, they need to be put into a container and fermented naturally on the balcony.

Only the fermented Amoy rice water to water the flowers, so that the flowers will not rot, well, even the little skills of watering flowers have you learned? If you have a better way, please leave a message below and tell the editor.