
Grow vegetables on the balcony and use Coke bottles and empty oil buckets as pots to grow everything well and harvest a lot.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Autumn, the temperature is cool and suitable, and it is the season of vigorous growth of flowers and vegetables. Now growing vegetables at home will sprout relatively fast and grow very fast. The green ones seem to make people feel good. Planting vegetables can eat one at the same time.

It is autumn, the temperature is cool and the temperature is suitable, and it is the season when flowers and vegetables are growing vigorously. Now planting vegetables at home can sprout relatively fast and grow very fast. The green ones seem to make people feel good. They can watch while eating and enjoy the best of both worlds. But what if some friends want to grow vegetables but do not have flowerpots?

The family grows vegetables, uses the beverage bottle Coke bottle waste oil kettle seed, grows anything is prosperous, the green especially luxuriant!

What we often find in our home are cola bottles, large mineral water bottles, and empty oil pots left in the kitchen after eating cooking oil. these things can be seen everywhere and may be thrown away as rubbish at ordinary times. but it's really suitable for growing vegetables. It can be used as waste, environmentally friendly, money-saving and practical.

To grow vegetables in a Coke bottle and an empty oil barrel:

The collected bottles and oil buckets are washed with water, dried, and then cut off the end with the lid. when you cut them, you can pinch them flat and cut them again, which makes it easier and less likely to hurt your hands. Such a vegetable growing pot with a height of about 20 centimeters and a diameter of more than ten centimeters came out.

Then at the bottom, around the position to drill a few small holes, drilling holes can be ironed with wire, can also be drilled out with sharp nails, are very simple, generally more than a dozen small holes are enough. In this way, the vegetables will not accumulate water and will be more breathable and drained.

If you grow some green vegetables, vegetables, lettuce, and other vegetables with not too many roots, you can also cut the beverage bottles and empty oil buckets from the middle, cut them in half, and then punch holes, which is also very convenient to grow vegetables.

Then put in rotten leaf soil and add some sand, or fertilized soil such as nutritious soil, you can grow vegetables. In the process of vegetable growth, the root growth is clear at a glance, and it is easy to judge whether it needs watering and fertilization.

On the terrace of a vegetable friend, he planted a large area of strawberries and flowers in an empty oil barrel and picked them if he wanted to.

And the empty oil kettle has another wonderful use, that is, it is used to ferment organic fertilizer, that is, environmental protection enzymes. The endless soybeans, mung beans, peels, and bean dregs and rice water at home can be put into fermentation. It is great to grow vegetables with organic fertilizer.

In addition to using these things to grow vegetables, you can also use washbasins that are not used at home to grow vegetables, empty boxes, and so on. The food is luxuriant and beautiful.

Can also use some unused wood nailed into the shape of a large flower box, used to grow vegetables, space big vegetables grow prosperous!