
How to increase the yield of cantaloupe

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How to increase the yield of cantaloupe

In recent years, cantaloupe has been planted in many places in our country, but the one with the highest yield and the best quality is the cantaloupe produced in the region, but the output still can not meet the demand of the market. then trial planting was carried out in many places, but the effect is not particularly satisfactory, so how can we improve the yield of cantaloupe? Here are some ways to improve the yield of cantaloupe sorted out by the pro-agriculture network.

1. Sowing seeds at the right time

In order to increase the yield of cantaloupe, we need to consider the factor of time, because the state of cantaloupe is different in different periods, then the cantaloupe that can be produced is very different, so timely sowing is very necessary, the general sowing time is set in winter, preferably in January, because cantaloupe melon still needs to go through a long period of long seedling period. At this time, it is the most suitable for melon seedling growth, which can enter the melon fruiting period more quickly.

2. Planting conditions

To plant a crop, we first need to consider the conditions needed for its growth, so what are the conditions suitable for the growth of cantaloupe? In general, we have to choose the land for crop rotation, but we cannot plant melons and fruits, followed by sufficient soil fertility. The soil water content of the planting land cannot be too high, but there can be no moisture. Finally, the temperature needs to be controlled above 15 degrees Celsius, preferably 20 to 28 degrees, so we can build a greenhouse to regulate and control the temperature and do a good job of heat dissipation at the same time.

3. Reasonable density

Since cantaloupe seedlings may grow denser in the process of growing, then we need to plan the planting density. According to the relevant melon farmers, under normal circumstances, about 600 cantaloupes can be planted per mu. This density is actually relatively dense, but it is very suitable for land where the soil is not particularly fertile, that is to say, the average distance between plants and rows is about one meter. This can improve the fruit rate of cantaloupe and increase the sugar content of cantaloupe at the same time.

4. Scientific fertilization

There is one difference between Hami melon and watermelon and melon fertilization, that is, Hami melon only needs to be fertilized once after removing base fertilizer, which means that the base fertilizer must be enough to maintain it until the fruiting period. An average of 100 jin of nitrogen fertilizer, 100 jin of phosphate fertilizer and 100 jin of potash fertilizer are needed per mu. At the same time, 200 jin of farm manure can be applied as base fertilizer, but all of them need to be applied deeply, so that the plant can absorb nutrients and improve the melon setting rate. When cantaloupe is fruited, we need to spray melon fertilizer to promote the expansion of cantaloupe, so that cantaloupe can grow faster and fuller.

5. Prune the vines and pick the heart

When the cantaloupe grows and seedlings grow, in order not to blossom and bear fruit, we remove the tip of the cantaloupe when the seedling grows to 50 centimeters and let it grow back into lateral branches. we need to sort out the seedlings in the field, sometimes the melons are denser, so we have to remove the smaller melons, and then remove some flowers and branches near the Ajing cantaloupe. This is beneficial to promote flowers and protect fruits and increase the yield of cantaloupe.