
What happens if a bowl of lotus is cultured in water without adding mud? Can a bowl of lotus be raised without soil? can water lilies be raised in full water?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Wanlian is a kind of aquatic plant, so do you know what will happen if it doesn't add soil? Can you survive? Can I raise it all in water? Many people raise lotus seeds directly in water, which is wrong, and it is not allowed after seeds germinate and before they germinate.

Lotus is an aquatic plant, do you know what it will be like without soil? Could he still survive? Can it be fully hydrated?

Many people put the lotus seeds directly into water to cultivate, which is not right. After the seeds germinate, it is not allowed before germination. It cannot be fully cultivated in water. If you don't let the seeds float on the water surface or rot, there will be no seedlings in the end. In fact, the seeds will be directly scattered in the water to raise, basically can not germinate and survive. Moreover, many friends keep it indoors, but affected by factors such as lack of light and insufficient nutrients in water, even if the seeds can sprout, they can neither fix the roots nor obtain the nutrients needed for growth from the water. So, when the only nutrients in the water are consumed, the seeds will rot.