
There's an Oriental beauty called Chinese circle.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Heaven round earth square is the ancient Chinese world view, the Book of Changes, Shangshu and other theories are based on this, it can be said that there is no circle there is no Chinese design. Circle, take harmony, perfect meaning, in the embodiment of traditional humanistic ideal at the same time, but also...

Tianyuan place is the ancient Chinese world outlook, the Book of changes, Shangshu and other theories and ideas are based on this, it can be said that there is no circle, there is no Chinese design. The meaning of circle, harmony and perfection not only embodies the traditional humanistic ideal, but also accords with the traditional aesthetic view of the unity of man and nature from ancient times to the present. Circle is particularly widely used in Chinese garden architecture, and as an important spiritual element of Chinese culture, it bears the beautiful sustenance to the traditional spirit of perfection.

In the traditional Chinese garden landscape, the circle is often combined with frame scenery and leaky scenery, supplemented by landscape pavilions and pavilions, and embellished with flowers, birds, fish and insects, the frame scenery can be viewed as a whole, and the leaking scene is looming, especially the "round hole door" is the most widely used carrier.

The "Round Cave Gate", also known as the Moon Gate, is not only a passageway, but also a frame. Inside and outside the door, there are emerald bamboo, safflower, strange stone and bonsai. Through the gate, you can see a picture in the frame and a picture in the frame. With the change of the four seasons, the scenery changes. Half hidden, full of warmth, will be a trace of spring into poetic. Step by step, step by step, the scene has created a unique Chinese aesthetics.

The circle of the moon door has the meaning of "harmony and perfection". It is not only an aesthetic attitude, but also a philosophy of doing things. Heaven, earth, man, frame, thing, self, highly unified, is a kind of distant cultural accumulation. There are also flower windows that embody this connotation.

Flower window is a form of window beautification in Han landscape architecture. The circular window hole extends the indoor space by framing the scenery outside the window, which also reflects the infinity of "circle".

In the modern architectural system, the circle is still an important design material. Behind the embodiment of the Chinese architectural art, it is the inheritance of the Chinese traditional spirit of perfection and reunion, and the combination with the modern architectural art is the re-creation of this spirit. to make it reborn.