
Small cold dishes in summer that can clear away heat and detoxify, reduce summer heat and lose weight are delicious and appetizing.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Mung bean sprouts and wax gourd are two kinds of common vegetables everywhere, both of which have high nutritional value. The two collocation, not only with heat-clearing and detoxification, summer weight loss, heat-clearing Shengjin, appetizer to remove annoyance, and refreshing and delicious, easy to make, it is summer.

Mung bean sprouts and wax gourd are two kinds of common vegetables everywhere, both of which have high nutritional value. The two collocation, not only with heat-clearing and detoxification, summer weight loss, heat-clearing Shengjin, appetizer to remove annoyance, but also refreshing and delicious, easy to make, is a rare cold dish at home in summer.

Mung bean sprouts cool taste sweet, not only can clear heat and detoxification, but also can quench thirst and strengthen stomach, nourish yin and yang, bean sprouts contain protein, fat, carbohydrates, a variety of vitamins, cellulose, carotene, zinc, amino acids, etc., is one of the best foods to lose weight. Wax gourd is rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and mineral elements and other nutrients, which is a typical high-potassium and low-sodium vegetables. It has the functions of clearing heat and relieving summer heat, reducing fat and losing weight, beauty and beauty, etc.

Cold dish of wax gourd and mung bean sprouts: first wash the wax gourd and bean sprouts and cut the wax gourd into strips. Boil water in the pot, first boil the wax gourd in boiling water until 8 ripe, then deep-fry the bean sprouts in boiling water, put them in cold water and cool thoroughly. Remove and drain. Set aside.

Mix salt, flavor element, sugar, aged vinegar, seafood soy sauce and mashed garlic well, put bean sprouts and wax gourd strips in a container, pour into mixed sauce and mix well, then sprinkle with a layer of minced parsley, if you don't want to eat parsley, you can add appropriate amount of shredded chili if you don't want to eat chili. Seasonings can be added or reduced according to individual taste.