
The 450-year-old husband and wife tree was blown away overnight and had no more blessings.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, We love flowers, grow flowers, work hard for a pot of flowers, and rejoice for a flower to bloom. Flowers and plants are different from people. Who says they are emotionless? the 450-year-old husband and wife tree was blown away overnight.

We love flowers, raise flowers, work hard for a pot of flowers, rejoice for a flower to bloom, flowers and plants are different from people, who says they are emotionless

450-year-old husband and wife tree, scraped apart overnight

Flower cultivation

The couple tree below is 450 years old. It was originally an ancient snake tree in Qingshui Miao Township. The ancient tree was divided into two branches, making it difficult to tell whether one tree divided into two branches or two trees symbiosis into one.

This tree is actually a pine tree, 450 years old, already 1.5 meters thick, more than 30 meters high

And such a romantic ancient tree was actually broken in half because of a night of wind and rain! It's a shame...

In fact, in nature, there are many trees similar to husband and wife friendship. Whether it is human emotion attached to plants or not, when you see them, you are still shocked.

Xinjiang Keke Tuohai two trees, in an open space, two trees depend on each other and born, autumn a green, a golden, just like two different personalities, can also accompany it for a long time

The husband and wife tree located in Dali Xizhou is also one of the must-see attractions for many tourists. The two trees each grow on one side and together form a complete towering tree.

The next two trees, this is not the same root, but the branches are tightly grown together...

The two willow trees by the lake in my hometown also look like husband and wife trees. This year, a small tree grows between the two trees. There are three people in a family. Perfect ~

When I was a child, I didn't feel that these two trees were so close. Now they are towering into the clouds and have slowly blended.

The following pair of "husband and wife" trees, which feel to be growing face to face, have been enclosed for protection

The moon rises, a desolate, see husband and wife tree, unfortunately I am a single dog, wipe tears Wang...

One tree blooms two flowers. This is really a real husband and wife tree. It's beautiful ~

There are 800-year-old husband and wife trees. Although they are different in size, they feel as warm as birds.

These two trees in the field can also be regarded as "husband and wife trees." Those who worked in the field before were husband and wife, enjoying the shade under the trees and living an uncomfortable life.

Nature is amazing.

Animals have emotions.

Flowers must have their own inner world.