
Cat: have you ever fought for meat in your life? Potted plant: am I messing with you?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Recently, the next-door neighbor is drying bacon, so it smells like bacon all around. It's okay to smell it at ordinary times. If you're hungry, smell it, my God, it's called a fragrance. Not only the neighbors around us are greedy, but also.

Recently, the next-door neighbor is drying bacon, so it smells like bacon all around. It's okay to smell it at ordinary times. If you're hungry, smell it, my God, it's called a fragrance. Not only the neighbors around us are greedy, but also the cats are greedy.

When I came home late that day, I happened to forget to pour cat food. I remembered when I was about to go home. I was worried. The cat must be starving! It doesn't matter if you're hungry, just for fear that the cat will hold a grudge and accidentally offend the ancestor. It's exasperating to you for several days in a row.

After hurrying home, I found that the cat was not at home. Where is this thing? You can't have run away from home. So I was worried about going out and looking everywhere.

I didn't expect to be near my home, but I saw this scene in front of me.

It almost made me laugh. Between the cat, the foot stepped on the potted plant, two small claws desperately up the claws, but could not catch the bacon above. The greedy cat is going crazy.

Cat: have you ever fought for meat in your life?

Potted plant: have you thought about how I should feel? I messed with who I hired!

I can't blame her for being gluttonous, mainly hungry, and smelling the smell of meat, which really makes people drool.

Cat: have you ever fought for meat in your life? Potted plant: am I messing with you? How do you feel about this?