
Taboo on rice seedbed

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Rice seedbed spray pot can not be mixed, need to be cleaned before each use, do not spray repeatedly or missed spray. The medicine that needs to wash the seedlings must be cleaned, the mother liquor should be exchanged first, the proportion of water and water should be controlled, and the concentration should be adjusted. Spray time to

Rice seedbed spray pot can not be mixed, need to be cleaned before each use, do not spray repeatedly or missed spray. The medicine that needs to wash the seedlings must be cleaned, the mother liquor should be exchanged first, the proportion of water and water should be controlled, and the concentration should be adjusted. Spray time every morning or evening is appropriate, when the temperature is low, spray must ensure the atomization effect, adjust the height of the nozzle.

Matters needing attention for ventilation of rice seedbed

1. When ventilating and refining seedlings, attention should be paid to blocking the opening of the greenhouse with braided fabric and plastic film, so as to avoid blowing directly to the seedlings.

2. Small seedlings should be ventilated from the leeward, while big seedlings can be ventilated greatly.

3. According to the temperature difference between day and night, the release time should be short when the temperature difference is too large, and the release time can be increased when the temperature difference is small.

4. guard against low temperature and cold injury. If the external minimum temperature is lower than 0 ℃, measures must be taken to increase the temperature, such as charcoal brazier, gas tank, hot light bulb, smoke bomb and so on.

5. If the lowest external temperature is less than 10 ℃, close the shed early and keep warm around 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

6. in case of low temperature and freezing injury, ventilation should be done early in the morning to alleviate the wilting of frozen leaves.

7. When the seedling field enters the three-leaf stage, it is necessary to strengthen ventilation and seedling training, especially in the cloudy morning to open the shed head for ventilation and disperse the moisture in the shed, so that the seedling field will always be in a state of dry cultivation and cultivate strong seedlings.

Generally speaking, there are many aspects that need to be paid attention to in the ventilation and spraying environment of rice seedbed, and we can operate reasonably according to our own situation.