
Planting time and method of tomato

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, 1. Tomato planting time the planting time of spring tomato is from February to May, the planting time of autumn and winter is from July to September, and the planting time of winter and spring is from November to February of next year. The planting method of tomato is relatively simple. Soak the seeds in warm water before planting.

Planting time of tomatoes

The planting time of spring tomato is from February to May, the planting time of autumn and winter is from July to September, and the planting time of winter and spring is from November to February of next year. The planting method of tomato is relatively simple. The seeds are soaked in warm water before planting and sowed in the seedbed after seed treatment. When the seedlings grow two or three true leaves, they can be planted, and sufficient base fertilizer is applied to the cultivated land before planting, but no fertilization is needed in the later stage.

II. Tomato planting methods

1. Seed treatment

First soak the seeds in clean water for an hour or two, then put the seeds in warm water of 50-60 degrees, stirring constantly to prevent seed scald, water temperature decreases and water heats up, the whole process is maintained at about 15 minutes. Soak the seeds for another 3-5 hours before sowing.

2. Sowing and planting

Sowing seeds in the seedbed after treatment, sowing should not be too dense, sowing about 30 grams of seeds per square meter is the best, keep the soil moist, the temperature is between 22-28 degrees, about 3-4 days can sprout, when the seedlings grow two or three true leaves, can be planted, the soil temperature is stable above 10 ℃, which is conducive to root growth and improve the survival rate.

3. Field management

After planting, intermediate ploughing should be carried out in time to promote rapid rooting and slow seedling growth, cooperate with ploughing and loose soil weeding, fertilization should be watered immediately to avoid burning roots, drainage measures should be taken in the rainy season to avoid excessive accumulation of water and lead to rotten roots, with the exception of a few upright varieties of tomatoes, other varieties need to be planted.