
Taiwan Business District Industry Tourism Development Federation celebrates the second Anniversary of Taoyuan Action

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, (Taiwan TB News Network / reporter Zhu Zhu) since its establishment in December 2019, the Taiwan Business District Industry Tourism Development Federation has continued to fight for a rescue and revitalization plan for business circle members, promote business circle exchanges and cooperation, coach and upgrade, and attract more and more business circles to participate.

Taiwan Business District Industry Tourism Development Federation meets in Taoyuan for the second week of the Lunar New year.

(Taiwan TB News Network / reporter Zhu Zhu) since its establishment in December 2019, the Taiwan Business Circle Industry Tourism Development Association has continued to strive for a rescue and revitalization plan for business circle members, promote business exchanges and cooperation, coach and upgrade, and attract more and more business circles to participate. 1gam5 held the first 3rd general meeting and 9th supervisor meeting and 2nd anniversary dinner in Royal Vistine, Taoyuan. In addition to introducing the rich achievements of the visits, projects and exchanges carried out by the General Association last year, new members are also welcome to join us, and bless the succession of new and old directors of all major business circles. The next day, I went to the Yuemei constructed Wetland Ecological Park in Daxi to enjoy the seasonal beauty of Luo Yu Song and the Hidden City of Hidden City, which will be officially opened at 1max 22, to support Taoyuan sightseeing.

The activity of the business circle strengthens the fans to pay each other on the HoIN App platform.

Chou Shui-mei, president of the Taiwan Business Circle Industry Tourism Development Association, said that last year was full of challenges, and the epidemic affected the industry tremendously. Thank you for the active participation of supervisors and supervisors, and no absence from online and offline meetings. It is precisely this concerted efforts and cohesion that enable business circles to support each other, communicate with each other, strive to advance side by side, and operate sustainably. She points out that a fan group was set up last year, and in the future, as long as there are activities in the business circle, they can be linked and promoted to each other. The activities will also be shared with the Taipei City Tourism and Communication Bureau, the Commercial Department, the Taipei Business Circle Industry Federation, the Taipei City Hot Spring Development Association, and the Taiwan Asia-Pacific International Hot Spring Development Association. In the future, I hope to be able to connect the six counties and cities-the website to help expose each other, so as to increase the activity and visibility of the business circle. In addition, she also invited the outgoing director of the business circle to serve as public relations, membership development, activities, education and training, and promised to help the business circle strive for a budget to enhance its competitiveness.

Huang Jiulong, consultant of the Taiwan Business District Industry Tourism Development Association, will then report the planned activities that the association fought for from relevant units last year, including the Taipei dormitory Festival, Yunshi online symposium and shop education and training, the application of the subsidy program for promoting the revitalization of the business circle by the small and medium-sized Enterprises Office of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and the Taipei Hot Spring season. In response to the advent of the Yuan Universe generation, the Association will also continue to pay attention to the construction of the platform. It is expected that after the Lunar New year, there will be a two-year study of HoIN APP developed by the business circle itself, and HoIN Pay services that meet the needs of one-yard digital full payment. At that time, the Association will also work together to strive for ultra-low fees in cash flow payments. In addition, Uber Eats is also optimistic about the potential of the business area and proposes to cooperate closely in marketing, activities and services. Chen Hsin-chih, who is responsible for operating the fan page of the Taiwan Business District Industry Tourism Federation, introduced the fans and the progress of the activities, and invited all major business circles to actively provide event information and connect with each other.

During the meeting, Wen Jinyi, chairman of the Taoyuan Tourism Factory Development Association, as a landlord, and Lin Minqi, a special member of the Taichung City-Economic Development Bureau, attended the meeting throughout the meeting to show their support for the Taiwan Business District Industrial Tourism Development Federation. Lin Min-qi is quite optimistic about the momentum of this year's "Taichung Shopping Festival" and the "experience economy" between the business circle, industry and tourism. Yang Shengbei, director of the Taoyuan City-Tourism Bureau, also thanked the guests for taking action to support Taoyuan sightseeing. Remind guests that the "Taoyuan Shopping Festival" draw is under way. As long as the consumption is 500 yuan before February 15 and log on to the invoice online, you will have the opportunity to win awards such as electric locomotives and 10 million luxury homes.

The dinner party is a link between the past and the future in the provincial hot network exchange business circle.

In the dinner that followed, including Shen Rongjin, vice president of the Executive Yuan, Zhang Xicong, director of the Tourism Bureau of the Ministry of Communications, he Jincang, director of the small and medium-sized enterprises department of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Xie Mingzhu, director of Taipei City, Jiang Meiling, deputy director of the Commerce Department, Guo Yuxin, director of the Economic Development Bureau of Taoyuan City, and Lin Minqi, special member of the Taichung City-Economic Development Bureau, specially participated in the exchange with members of the business circle, looking forward to the future with the support of the business circle. Promote the development of regional tourism. Shen Rongjin particularly thanked you for taking actions to support epidemic prevention, sharing the fruits of Taiwan's economic development this year, and witnessing the second birthday celebration of the Federation of Industrial Tourism Development in Taiwan's business circle.

He Jincang said,-the promotion of five-fold coupons has brought strong momentum to the operation of small and medium-sized enterprises. at present, about 40 percent of the five-fold coupons have not been used up. We look forward to the increased marketing of partners in business circles and sightseeing factories to show the characteristics of the business circle and attract public consumption. Zhang Xicong stressed that during the epidemic, only by working with private groups can we spend it together, seriously and optimistically. The business circle covers food, accommodation and tourism, and welcomes the active participation of sightseeing factories and tourism industries such as the National Tourism Association. I look forward to promoting tourism in Taiwan when everyone cannot go abroad. Kuo Yu-hsin says that Taoyuan is also promoting double coupons for good city rides in Taoyuan, plus activities such as "10 times happier, blessed for ten thousand people," and the "Taoyuan Shopping Festival," hoping that sightseeing factories and business circles can be combined and linked into half-day to one-day tours.

Visit Taoyuan beautiful feather pine handletter square fog hidden city newly opened

During the inspection activities the next day, in addition to visiting the scenic spot of the season ~ the beautiful scenery of Lok Yu Pine in Taoyuan, the newly opened sightseeing factory ~ Hidden City of Hidden in Hidden Handletter Square is even more important. Handletter Workshop inherits the production method of Japanese and Yuko technology, and the newly released "Hidden City of Fog" integrates Japanese shogunate-era ninja stories and myths into the scene, with beautiful scenery everywhere. Visitors can also choose DIY-shaped desserts in addition to freshly baked desserts. The park also provides catering services, and about a half-day process can be planned, and representatives of the business circle participating in the inspection have purchased seasonal limited shipping companion gifts. There will be a special event during the opening period of Fog Hidden City. Details can be found on the official website. Https://

(tidbits of the second Anniversary Celebration activities of Taiwan Business Circle Industry Tourism Development Federation)