
[Gas gathering north. Spring Festival 2021 Taipei Hot Spring Season 11/25 invites you to gather qi and pray for a good harvest

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, (Taiwan TB News Network/Reporter Zhu Zhu) The 2021 Taipei Hot Spring Season will be arranged on November 25. Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe was invited to attend the launch ceremony of "Healing Bath for Good Harvest Year". At the same time, a special guest "Oh Bear Group Leader" also came to the scene to cheer with Mayor Ke...

[collecting gas and praying for harvest in Beitou] 2021 Taipei Hot Spring season 11x25 invites you to gather gas and pray for harvest.

(Taiwan TB News Network / reporter Zhu Zhu) 2021 Taipei Hot Spring season arranged the launching ceremony of "gathering Qi Beitou. Healing Bath to pray for a bumper year" on November 25, inviting Taipei Mayor Ko Wenzhe to attend. At the same time, the special guest "Oh Xiong Group Leader" also came to the scene to cheer up and pray with Mayor Ke and ring the blessing bell, symbolizing the gathering-and the power in the real estate industry to create a bumper harvest in the future. friends who have not yet come to the 2021 Taipei hot spring season Come to New Beitou to feel the vitality and charm of the town.

(photo / Zhu Zhu / Qi-gathering Beitou. The launching ceremony of the Bath and Prayer for the bumper year)

Since ancient times, people have used natural elements such as sound, light, and water as prayer ceremonies to convey what they wish to heaven, such as the aboriginal blessing dance, Xizang's colorful prayer flags, and the ringing of bells on New year's Eve. Beitou is the name given to this area by the Kedagan people of the Pingpu people, meaning witches. It is said that witches are the incarnation of wise men who live in Beitou and use rituals to resolve the disasters caused by sulfur springs, giving birth to a variety of cultural and industrial features. In the hot spring culture of Beitou, in addition to witches, there is a god whose name is "Tang Shou Guanyin", which was created by the spiritual sustenance of the residents of Beitou. For more than a hundred years, it has silently guarded the hot springs and closely integrated with the feelings of the people, which is the fresh vitality of the hot spring culture. During the event, Tang Shou Guanyin Xingchuan was arranged to pray in Xingchuan Pavilion, so that the public could experience a clear hand clock, purify the emotions disturbed by the secular world, and get full of blessings.

(photo / Zhu Zhu / 2021 Taipei Hot Spring season Bear praise!)

The 2021 Taipei Hot Spring season will debut on November 25, and this year's event, as always, has a wealth of wonderful content: a joint special exhibition of Beitou and Asia-Pacific Hot Springs, and a lively exhibition of cultural and creative companions. In response to the online shopping needs of the E generation and the digital transformation of the post-epidemic business ecology, the concept of online hot springs shopping festival has been specially added this year. A total of three live sales will be held in the evening from November 26 to November 28. This year, there is also an advanced version of the AR experience draw and the gas draw, which are the people's favorite draw for witches' hippy travels. Public welfare activities are also essential, including blood donation, bazaar, pure garden and breast photography examination. of course, the stage activities are still wonderful, including: Minghua Garden performance, local art performance, Nakashi singing night. There is also a Beitou gas concert that invites high-quality singers and orchestras to sing at Starlight Night. People are welcome to visit Beitou to soak in hot springs, taste delicious food, watch performances, and experience the cultural tour of Beitou.

(photo / Zhu Zhu / Beitou and Asia-Pacific Hot Springs Joint Special Exhibition)

Zhou Shuimei, director of Taipei Hot Spring Development Association, said that with the efforts of Beitou Hot Spring Hotel and local residents, combined with Taipei City-promoting the "Beitou Hot Spring unwalled Museum", the local scenic spots and monuments with many years of cultural heritage will be combined with life. inject new vitality into Beitou, let more friends come from afar to feel the unwalled museum, and travel freely among the scenic spots with strong culture. Feel that the museum is close by, and life is full of knowledge. In addition, people are encouraged to take part in holiday guided tours and special car tours to Beitou. Professional teachers lead you to know more about Beitou. Invite you to come to New Beitou and enjoy the feelings and feelings brought by the hot springs with us.

(photo / Zhu Zhu / Beitou unwalled Museum)

Partial street closure will be implemented during the event. Due to the large crowds, it is recommended to take public transport as far as possible to avoid traffic congestion.