
The Economic and Development Bureau of Xinbei to accelerate post-epidemic industrial recovery will hold a high-value double investment conference.

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, (Taiwan TB News Network / reporter Sun Yaozhang) New Taipei City-in order to accelerate the recovery of post-epidemic industry, the "New North Investment doubling Conference" will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Xinban on November 30. the three major themes include "Land Investment Media Association" and "Employment Expo".

Xinbei accelerates post-epidemic industrial recovery the Economic Development Bureau will hold a high-value double investment conference.

(Taiwan TB News Network / reporter Sun Yaozhang) New Taipei City-in order to accelerate the recovery of post-epidemic industry, the "New North Investment doubling Conference" will be held at Xinban Hilton Hotel on November 30. the three major themes include "Land Investment Media Association", "Employment Expo" and "Hall of Fame", hoping to integrate the demand for public and private land, factories and talents, enhance investment, investment and operational confidence, and create a beautiful city to live and work in peace and contentment.

He Yiming, director of the Economic and Development Department of New Taipei City, said that this year, with the concept of "redoubling the return of the new north," the "2021 New North Investment Promotion High value doubling Conference" was expanded. In addition to the land investment promotion media service, he Yiming also cooperated with the Employment Service for the first time to "double" the employment expo, hoping to release job opportunities through investment promotion enterprises, so that the public will feel more about the new north investment.

In terms of land investment media, this year is divided into three major aspects. First of all, in respect of "public land", the Economic Development Bureau, the Lands Bureau, the Finance Bureau, the Rapid Transit Bureau, the Metro Office and the Market Office are specially pooled to release about 14 hectares of public land. In addition, the land of "private park" was expanded for the first time, and the service cases of "three-dimensional industrial zone" and "one-stop investment promotion" were specially invited, and 153000 ping Xindian Baogao Park and private factory-run units were released, including well-known objects "Chinese Engineering Tucheng AI Wisdom Park" and "Yonghe Construction Taipei Park". Finally, the "intermediary Association" invites the New Taipei Real Estate Brokerage Business Association to provide relevant land, factory, factory and commercial resources to mediate consultation counters and investment promotion seminars to help enterprises find the land they need quickly.

The New Taipei City Economic and Development Bureau said that in terms of the Employment Expo, many manufacturers of "three-dimensional industrial zones" and "one-stop investment" service cases were invited. Seventeen new North enterprises, including Hon Hai Group, South Asia Science and Technology, China Engineering, MSI, Qunpong Optoelectronics and Blue Sky computer, participated in the event, releasing more than 600 jobs, including more than 160 technical positions in total. For example, semiconductor design engineers, R & D engineers, product development engineers, metal mold design engineers and management positions, actively looking for new north local talents.

Finally, the Hall of Fame is also one of the highlights of the event to "where will you be for the next five years?" As the theme, three experts in land, industry, and human resources, including Liu Xuelong, general manager of Gaoli International, were invited to share the changes in industrial layout and talent market demand in the post-epidemic era, hoping to guide enterprises to grasp the first opportunity, restructuring layout, and start new economic momentum after the epidemic.

In order to accelerate the industrial recovery after the epidemic, the ▲ New North City Government will hold a meeting on the 30th to double the high value of attracting investment from the new north.

(courtesy of the New Northern Economic Development Board)