
The reconstruction of Xinbei Wugu Ecological Pond has won the National Award for Outstanding Construction.

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, (Taiwan TB News Network / reporter Sun Yaozhang) 2021 National Outstanding Construction Award was awarded last (23) night. The New Taipei Municipal Bureau of Agriculture handled the "Green Bamboo Community 33 neighborhood Ecological Pond surrounding Environment and Trail improvement Project" to improve the surrounding environment and trails of the Ecological Pond.

The reconstruction of Xinbei Wugu Ecological Pond has won the National Award for Outstanding Construction.

(Taiwan TB News Network / reporter Sun Yaozhang) 2021 National Outstanding Construction Award was awarded last (23) night. The New Taipei Municipal Bureau of Agriculture handled the "Green Bamboo Community 33 neighborhood Ecological Pond surrounding Environment and Trail improvement Project" to re-improve the surrounding environment and trails of the ecological ponds, provide comfortable and safe trails for local bamboo shoot farmers, increase tourist stops, and protect the single horn fairy habitat in the park. Therefore, it won the 2021 National Outstanding Construction Award. Won the Gold Award of "Best Environmental Culture".

The Agriculture Bureau said that the ecological ponds of the green bamboo rural regeneration community in Wudu District have been damaged for many years, and the surrounding environment is relatively messy. In order to provide farmers with a comfortable and safe environment for farming, the municipal government plans to improve the project, and the original place next to the pond is the unicorn habitat. The light wax tree group has become an adult foraging and mating area for unicorn immortals, so the project is based on ecology and environmental low-impact construction method. In order to enhance the farming convenience of bamboo shoot farmers without disturbing the existing ecology, and taking into account the ecosystem of the park, the project adheres to the concept of resource reuse, the slate of the original trail of the park is re-laid with the new slate, and the columns under the existing wooden platform are dismantled and rearranged into seats in the area. after natural decay, it becomes a rotten wood area for unicorn larvae, and the existing large blocks are rearranged to become a place for farmers and tourists to stay and rest. After the improvement, the total length of the original trail is about 200 meters, with only 35 meters for concrete trails, and the rest are slate trails, gravel pavements and consolidated soil trails, which greatly reduce the amount of cement, energy saving, carbon reduction, permeability, and the integration of the natural and ecological nature of the local landscape. after the completion of the project, it will be handed over to the community maintenance and management, handling food and agricultural education and environmental education field.

The project began in November 109. because of the rich ecological environment in the community, such as unicorn, fireflies and birds, in order to avoid destroying the original ecological habitat, the construction method was adopted according to the existing environmental conditions according to the existing environmental conditions. with construction techniques such as avoidance, reduction, mitigation and compensation, avoiding the unicorn habitat and existing tree groups on both sides of the trail, using artificial and small machines and tools, and the construction difficulty is relatively higher in the limited construction period. After the construction team overcame the difficulties and actively rushed to work, it was completed as scheduled in January 110. the construction period was 60 days and the project cost was 2.33 million yuan.

Yang Haitu, director of the Wugu Green Bamboo Community, said that mutual cooperation between local groups and institutions is the key to the sustainable development of agriculture. I would like to thank the New Taipei City-Agriculture Bureau for its continuous guidance and support, so that the community can continue to promote rural construction.

Coco Lee, director of agriculture, said that the Bureau of Agriculture has provided long-term guidance to communities to promote the concept of friendly farming and ecological conservation. In addition to meeting the needs of the public for food safety, the community has also gradually found ecological diversity, and the concept of project-friendly environment renovation of the Agriculture Bureau has also been unanimously affirmed by the selection committee of the 2021 National Outstanding Construction Award and won the Gold Award of "Best Environmental Culture".

The ecological pond transformation of ▲ Wugu Green Bamboo Community has been affirmed by the National Outstanding Construction Award. (courtesy of New North Agriculture Bureau)