
The epidemic should be healthy Yunlin good products e-commerce platform "vegetable Yongkang" vegetable boxes sell well

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, In the face of the heating up of the COVID-19 epidemic, people have lined up all over Taiwan to buy articles for people's livelihood. Yunlin County-Yunlin good products e-commerce platform, in order to serve consumers who support Yunlin County's agricultural products, took the lead last Friday (14th).

The epidemic should be healthy Yunlin good products e-commerce platform "vegetable Yongkang" vegetable boxes sell well

In the face of the heating up of the epidemic situation of COVID-19, there has been a queue of people all over Taiwan to buy articles for people's livelihood. Yunlin County-Yunlin good products e-commerce platform, in order to serve the majority of consumers supporting agricultural products in Yunlin County, the "vegetable Yongkang" home epidemic prevention vegetable box was launched last Friday (14th). It sold out after it was put on the shelves, and the packing farm of the place of origin continued to work overtime to replenish the goods. In response to the needs of the general public, the platform again launched the epidemic prevention food special area "epidemic to be healthy," providing vegetable and fruit boxes, livestock and poultry meat, rice, noodles, oil, food, fruit, and so on, to facilitate the health that people can eat at home for epidemic prevention.

Zhang Lishan, head of Yunlin County, said that during the epidemic prevention period, people can reduce the risk of going out to buy vegetables to be exposed to the epidemic through online shopping. The epidemic prevention vegetable box of "vegetable Yongkang" is supplied by Yunlin County-Agriculture Department to coordinate the county operators, providing leafy vegetables, roots and spices with production and marketing experience of "four leaves, three roots, one Xin" (the main vegetables and fruits are mainly production and marketing resume goods, which will be adjusted according to the origin). All goods are shipped directly from the place of origin, so that consumers do not have to go out. You can buy healthy and safe fresh agricultural products from the origin directly to Yunlin.

Wu Fangming, director of agriculture, said that with the change of the epidemic last week, the Agriculture Department prepared ahead of time, not only for wholesale markets, farmers' groups and collection yards, but also for the production and marketing situation that may be brought about by the epidemic. As for the school group meal system in the county, it is currently estimated that nearly 100 metric tons of organic and resume vegetables have been affected as a result of the suspension of classes in Shuangbei, of which 24 metric tons have been adjusted and transferred to other channels by the supply units. in the follow-up, there will be continuous assistance through multiple channels, including tutoring cooperative vegetable boxes, mating and cooperation with other road operators and processors to continuously assist in the regulation of vegetables in the county and protect the income of farmers.