
Why do flowers give off fragrance?

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, Why do flowers give off fragrance?

Why do flowers give off fragrance? That's because some flowers give off fragrance because their petals contain oil cells, which secrete a variety of aromatic oils, which are called essential oils and are volatile. When the essential oil molecules evaporate, people will smell the fragrance.

Because the chemical components of essential oils in the petals of different fragrant flowers are different, different kinds of flowers emit different aromas. Such as magnolia, jasmine, orchid, gardenia, rose, sweet-scented osmanthus, Milan, evening jade, sweet-smelling plum and daffodils. Different fragrances will cause different reactions to people, and the same kind of flower scent has different feelings for different people, some exciting and some repulsive.

The aroma people smell is often made up of a variety of aromatic compounds. For example, the aroma of jasmine is made up of more than 80 chemical components; the aroma of roses is made up of more than 280 compounds. In the production of spices, the different fragrances emitted by different fragrances are often defined as various types of fragrance, such as Magnolia, Jasmine, Gardenia, Rose, etc., and the petals of different fragrances are processed and extracted into different types of spices. used in cosmetics and food industry.

Among the many flowering plants, which flower color has more fragrant flowers? Some people have identified more than 4000 different colors of flowers. Among the 1265 species of white flowers, fragrant flowers account for 20%, of 922 species of red flowers, fragrant flowers account for 17%, of 954 species of yellow flowers, fragrant flowers account for 14%, and among 1265 species of blue flowers, fragrant flowers account for 9%. Among 309 species of purple flowers, fragrant flowers account for 13%. From the above statistical results, it can be seen that fragrant flowers account for the proportion of white flowers, followed by red flowers, yellow flowers, and less fragrant flowers in blue flowers.