
Anti-freezing technology and post-freezing nursing technology of flowers

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, Anti-freezing technology and post-freezing nursing technology of flowers

The anti-freezing technology of flowers is divided into the following aspects:

One. Anti-freezing measures of green nursery

1. Cover the soil with ground cover to protect the roots.

That is, spread rice husks, sawdust, compost or rice chaff (ash) on the nursery or under the trees.

two。 Covered with thin film and covered with straw curtain at night.

The greenhouse and the flower seedlings in the greenhouse can be covered with a small shed.

3. Smoke and heat.

Smoke is made of withered branches and leaves, sawdust, weeds or garbage, 4-6 cigarette stacks per mu and 30-50 kg of firewood and grass per mu, especially at low temperature at night.

4. Pay attention to drainage in the field to prevent the ground from freezing.

2. Anti-freezing technology of big trees

Tropical tree species such as Canadian jujube have been introduced in many places in our city. these trees have poor cold tolerance, so the following measures can be taken to prevent freezing:

1. The leaves were tied up and wrapped in hay.

That is, tie up the leaves with a rope, and then wrap them with breathable materials such as wheat straw, hay, sacks or straw mats. It should be noted here that the plant must not be wrapped directly with a thin film, because this kind of material is "close protection" impervious, the water vapor in the film evaporates after the sun during the day, the temperature and humidity increases, and at night it condenses and freezes, which repeats day and night. The central point of the tree will freeze and rot.

two。 Cultivate soil at the base of the tree to protect the rhizome.

3. Ground cover.

Lay sawdust, compost, plant ash and grain husk on the ground of the tree to prevent the ground from freezing and injuring the root system.

4. Take the tree trunk as the center, build a plastic windshield of not less than 1 inch, and open a vent on the leeward side.

III. Antifreeze morbid maintenance of indoor potted flowers

With the improvement of people's living standards, it has become very common to grow flowers indoors, especially some high-grade potted flowers, such as wind pear, Phalaenopsis, Cymbidium, Anthurium, etc., these potted flowers have poor cold resistance, they require room temperature above 10 degrees, while some potted flowers, such as orchid, taro, evergreen, aloe, etc., require room temperature above 5 degrees. Therefore, the anti-freezing maintenance of indoor potted flowers is mainly carried out from the following aspects:

1. Put potted flowers in places where the indoor temperature is relatively high, such as air-conditioned rooms, heating rooms, etc., but pay attention to the potted flowers can not be directly facing the air conditioning tuyere.

two。 Don't water too much.

Because the winter temperature is low, the evaporation is small, and the root system can not breathe smoothly when there is too much water, which will lead to the death of rotten roots. And potted flowers should be dry around noon, do not water in the morning and evening, tap water should be stored for 1-2 days, it is appropriate to irrigate with warm water. In addition, leaves can be washed with warm water to increase humidity.

3. Control fertilization.

Due to low temperature, most flowers enter dormancy or semi-dormant state, slow metabolism, poor absorptive capacity, so the amount of fertilizer is very little, fertilizer and water should be strictly controlled and fertilizer should be stopped.

4. In the room, you can cover the tree pots with plastic film, or wrap them with cotton or hay, and put a small basin of water in the cover.

5. Bask in the sun.

IV. Nursing care of frozen flowers and trees

1. Clear the snow and fix the injured branches.

two。 Tidy up the crown, deal with the broken branches in time, and protect the wound.

Bind the torn branches with ropes and brackets, wax the cracks, and then wrap them with film. The completely broken branches are sawed and flattened as soon as possible, coated with protective economy and bandaged with black film. Several preparation methods of protective agent: yellow mud plus fresh cow dung, Vaseline 250 grams plus carbendazim 5 grams, or limestone oil slurry and so on.

3. After spring, pay attention to drainage, ploughing and loosening soil, fertilization to promote recovery.

4. Strengthen the prevention and control of diseases and pests. The leaves of the trees were damaged after freezing, and the resistance decreased.