
How to fertilize potted flowers after they have buds?

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, How to fertilize potted flowers after they have buds?

There are different opinions on the Internet about whether flowers can be fertilized after having a bud. Some people say that if there is a bud, it is impossible to apply fertilizer, and some people say that a proper amount of fertilizer should be applied when there is a bud. So can flowers be fertilized after having a bud? Personally, I can't generalize what the score is, what the state of the flower is, and how often it blossoms. With regard to the question of whether the flower bud can be fertilized, let me give you a specific analysis.

If domestic flowers only bloom once a year, the flowering period is also short, such as orchids, as long as they grow normally without disease, the plants have gathered enough nutrients for bud growth and flowering before giving birth to the bud. At this time, fertilization will be wasteful, resulting in excess nutrients, resulting in early bud withering or shortening of florescence.

If the flowers in the family only bloom once a year, the flowering period is short, but the plants are not healthy, or they do not pay attention to fertilization at ordinary times, and they have not changed the soil for many years, then the buds can be fertilized thinly and diligently, and the application will stop when the buds are about to bloom. This is because the plant does not store enough nutrients to prepare for flowering. In the case of insufficient nutrients, the bract will wither early, or the bud will grow poorly and produce abnormal flowers, such as small flowers, light colors, and so on. Only by replenishing nutrients in time to fully develop the bud can the quality of flowering be guaranteed.

If the flowers at home bloom many times a year and the flowering period is relatively long, such as representative rose and triangular plum, the nutrients stored in the plant may be more abundant when the stubble flowers are in full bloom, and if the nutrients are not replenished in time after flowering, the second flower will become smaller or lighter in color. Therefore, in the flower bract stage, you can apply a little thin phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, grasp the concentration and frequency, the bud will grow no different from the secondary flowering, even if open three or four stubble, but also the same beauty. The rose and triangular plum blossoms of some flower friends are getting smaller and lighter, which is probably caused by less and less nutrients.

If the potted rose, triangular plum and other flowers with long flowering period and large flowering capacity are not healthy or lack of maintenance, the bud should be applied thin and frequently from the second time, and nutrients should be replenished in time so that they can blossom normally. If there is no supplement of nutrients, too much nutrients of the mother plant are consumed in order to bloom, which is likely to lead to the death of the whole flower plant. For example, camellias, blooming is really desperate Saburo, reluctant to give up their lives, too many buds and plants are thin and do not replenish nutrients in time, they will die because of excessive nutrient consumption.

This is the end of the analysis on the question of whether flowers can be fertilized after having a flower bud. I believe everyone should also have a certain understanding of whether flowers can be fertilized after having a flower bud, warning everyone that no matter what flowers and plants are in bloom, do not fertilize when they bloom, which will lead to early withering of flowers and shortening of florescence.