
The Consumer Security Officer inspected sashimi in five major fishing port restaurants and found that nearly 80% of them were unqualified! Bacteria exceed the standard and fail in freshness.

Published: 2024-10-22 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/22, The Consumer Security Officer inspected sashimi in five major fishing port restaurants and found that nearly 80% of them were unqualified! Bacteria exceed the standard and fail in freshness.


Five sightseeing fishing ports around the restaurant inspection, nearly 80% of the restaurants "sashimi" unqualified! Not only the number of bacteria and Escherichia coli exceed the standard, but also the freshness does not meet the standard!

In October 2020, the Consumer Protection Office of the Executive Yuan, together with the branch of the Bureau of Standards and Inspection of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and local authorities, checked the environmental hygiene and fire safety of 25 restaurants around the five major sightseeing fishing ports. 14 of the 18 restaurants were unqualified. Among them, the number of bacteria in the live seafood store after Kaohsiung flag exceeded the standard by 6.8 times, and the Escherichia coli and volatile salt ground state nitrogen in the seafood restaurant in Adong, Taichung, exceeded the standard.

In addition to sashimi, the Consumer Protection Agency also checked the sanitary environment and fire safety of the restaurant. The "hygiene check", "sashimi inspection" and "fire safety" of Keelung Xinhuangang Seafood Restaurant and Yilan Cetacean Seafood Restaurant were all unqualified. Wang Deming, a consumer security official, said that these restaurants are all local target restaurants, but they have not even met the most basic standards, so it is really difficult to ensure the food safety of consumers and the safety of eating. At present, various local government authorities have been asked to investigate and deal with them in accordance with the law. and guide the operators to improve.