
The Peasants Association cooperated with Yunlin Prison and the inmates invested in agricultural affairs to relieve agricultural labor shortage.

Published: 2024-07-27 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/27, In order to ease the shortage of agricultural work, Yunlin County-actively mediated Yunlin Prison to cooperate with peasant associations of villages and towns in the county to allow qualified prisoners to engage in agricultural work outside the prison. Zhang Lishan, county magistrate, went to Dazheng Township on the 8th to care about the work of prisoners.

Farmers' Association cooperates with Yunlin Prison. Prisoners invest in agricultural affairs to relieve agricultural labor shortage.

In order to alleviate the shortage of agricultural work, Yunlin County-actively mediated Yunlin Prison to cooperate with peasant associations of villages and towns in the county to allow qualified prisoners to work outside the prison. Zhang Lishan, county magistrate, went to Dazheng Township on the 8th to care about the work of the prisoners and served as a witness to the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Yunlin County Peasant Association and Yunlin Prison. Zhang Lishan, county magistrate, hopes to help prisoners return to society through bilateral cooperation. Make up for the shortage of agricultural manpower, let the smooth export of agricultural products, and create a win-win situation.

County magistrate Zhang Lishan pointed out that the shortage of workers in Yunlin agriculture is serious, and the county government attaches great importance to it and strives to improve it. Last year, the Agriculture Department and peasant associations at all levels applied to the Council of Agriculture and were approved to introduce 150 outreaching migrant workers. However, due to the epidemic situation, only 42 migrant workers have entered Yunlin. Of these 42, the matchmaking of Yunlin County Peasant Association is the most successful, and about 18 have assisted in various agricultural organizations.

Zhang Lishan, the county magistrate, said that the short-term and seasonal labor shortage in agriculture is not suitable for the introduction of long-term foreign migrant workers. I would like to thank the Correction Department for helping mediate Yunlin Prison and the second Superintendent to sign MOU with Yunlin County Farmers' Association, allowing prisoners with excellent performance outside prison to participate in agricultural work, assist farmers to plant or harvest crops, alleviate the seasonal labor shortage problem, and also enable prisoners to cultivate skills and help them return to society. At the same time, the smooth export of agricultural products in the county can be said to create a win-win situation.

▲ Peasant Association cooperates with Yunlin Prison prisoners to invest in agricultural affairs to relieve agricultural labor shortage