
The Pingtung Tropical Agriculture Expo opened on January 18.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The 23-day 2020 Tropical Agricultural Expo will open lively on January 18. this year, the hot gambling rice area will cooperate with Uni-President supermerchants to create a lovely and charming agricultural theme park to market Pingtung products by the superstar OPEN family.

The Pingtung Tropical Agriculture Expo opened on January 18.

The 23-day 2020 Tropical Agricultural Expo will open lively on January 18. this year, the hot gambling rice area will cooperate with unified supermerchants, and the super popular star OPEN family will endorse the event to create a lovely and charming agricultural theme park to market Pingtung products, including 26 bright theme areas such as 3D rice fields, spring flower sea, dream color melon corridor, aquarium, fruit park and hairy children's garden. Pan Mengan, mayor of Pingtung County, invited people all over the country to come to Pingtung for the Spring Festival holiday to witness the soft power of Pingtung and Pingtung farmers and experience the green miracle displayed in the park.

Pan Mengan, the county magistrate, said that since the resumption of the Tropical Agricultural Expo in 105, the county government has repeatedly set new highs every year during the Spring Festival, with 1.39 million people entering the park last year. This year, colorful rice totems and unified supermerchants have cooperated with the super popular star OPEN family to enter Pingtung colored rice, and the agricultural testing institute has been used to breed colored rice varieties to create a lovely and charming agricultural theme park. I believe that the number of people entering the park will reach another peak.

Pan Mengan, head of the county, pointed out that the Tropical Expo not only shows tropical fruits, flowers and farming, as well as traditional rice cultivation, but also presents rice fields as art canvases through science and technology, with different themes of park planning. Huahai, melon and fruit promenade, orchid flower hall and leisure agricultural area, etc., especially this warm winter, the melon and fruit of the color melon corridor grow rapidly, will be able to experience fruit harvest every day, and become the best tourist destination for the Spring Festival. Suitable for parent-child travel together.

The Department of Agriculture of Pingtung County pointed out that the Pingtung Tropical Agricultural Expo runs from January 18 to February 9. Except for New Year's Eve's rest garden on January 24, the park will open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., free of income. Only parking and cleaning fees are charged (100 yuan for cars and 30 yuan for locomotives). Details can be found on the official website of 2020 Rebo at

▲ Pingtung Tropical Agriculture Expo opened ceremoniously on January 18th.