
Dou Shuo, a seedling grower

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Dou Shuo, a seedling grower

At the end of 2007, Dou Shuo, who is about to graduate from Yanshan University, returned to his hometown of Qianxi County for internship. Facing the severe employment situation, he carefully observed and studied assiduously, identified the business of seedling planting, and created a way to become rich in rural areas.

Dou Shuo found in his practice that in the process of greening and beautifying roads and surrounding mountains, the original several acres of nurseries in the county were far from meeting the needs. So he had the idea: Why not create a large-scale, high-standard nursery stock base? In this way, it can not only solve the needs of greening seedlings in the county at present, but also exercise themselves, and at the same time, it can also drive farmers to increase their income. After analyzing the feasibility of the project in detail, Dou Shuo began to implement the construction.

At the beginning of his business, Dou Shuo encountered the first problem is the site problem, what kind of land is suitable for seedling cultivation? After many inquiries, to the experienced nursery experts consulted, he learned that the cultivation of chestnut walnut seedlings must choose sandy soil. After many searches and field observations, he finally chose Zhangzhuangzi, Yangzhuang and other villages in Xingcheng Town, Qianxi County, renting more than 50 mu of land as nursery base. Then, the second problem was placed in front of him, which was management and technical problems. In order to really understand the planting technology of forest fruit and master the knowledge of seedling cultivation, Dou Shuo went all over the county's bookstores, read a large number of seedling books, consulted experts, consulted experienced people, searched and consulted all relevant materials on the Internet. He practiced, studied, explored and tried, focusing on new breeding techniques such as seed selection and drying, excellent seed soaking and spore cultivation. In the first year, he successfully selected three new varieties, greatly improving the emergence rate of seeds.

In order to realize his dream of starting a business, Dou Shuo often goes deep into the base without sleep to solve one technical problem after another; in order to save money and reduce costs, he works with the workers to weed and prune seedlings. A year later, the nursery realized a double harvest of economic and social benefits. Up to now, Dou Shuo's nursery base has cultivated more than 480,000 seedlings successively and sold nearly 270,000 seedlings, which not only drives the employment of local villagers, but also increases the income of villagers.