
Song Baiman-the Leader on the Road to Wealth

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Song Baiman-the Leader on the Road to Wealth

Song Baiman is the chairman and general manager of Shandong Baiman Tea Co., Ltd. For more than 20 years, he has established tea factories, registered trademarks, and professional cooperatives in the tea industry. Has been leading the development of Rizhao green tea. In particular, the tea co-operative established by him created a precedent in Rizhao, brought huge benefits to the majority of tea farmers, and was praised as the leader on the road to wealth.

Song Baiman began to grow and stir-fry tea in 1993. First by hand, and then built a factory, installed a variety of machinery and equipment for stir-frying tea, tea production speed and tea quality have been improved a lot.

Their own 60 mu of fresh tea garden is not enough to process, to buy tea around, because the tea garden goes its own way, the quality of tea is uneven, it can not guarantee the quality of "Baiman" tea.

What are we going to do? Song Baiman thought that if tea farmers operate separately, it will be very difficult for tea farmers to buy good fresh tea leaves according to the standard and make good tea. If the enterprise continues to develop, it will also face difficulties.

In the face of individual management of scattered tea farmers, how to improve the quality of tea? How to save the cost of tea production? How to promote the tea industry to achieve transformation and upgrading and sustainable development on the new development platform. This series of questions haunted Song Baiman, who was restless in his sleep and food, thinking hard about how to do it.

In 2006, when he visited the southern tea area, he found that the tea farmers here had set up an organization called "Tea Professional Cooperative". Upon careful inquiry, it turns out that tea farmers are organized on a voluntary basis, from planting and cultivation to fertilization, watering, medicine, tea picking, and stir-frying. Song Baiman felt that this was a feasible way. Only in this way can we give full play to the respective advantages of tea enterprises and tea farmers and produce the effect that one plus one is greater than two. Only in this way can we promote the development of tea better and faster and ensure the quality of tea.

What an overjoyed! Song Baiman is like a treasure. When he came back, he ran to his employer to tell them about the south and the benefits of setting up a tea co-operative.

"isn't this going to be mutual aid and cooperation again?" Elderly people immediately think of the mutual assistance and cooperation in the 1950s and 1960s. He shook his head and said, "the big pot of rice has made everyone poor, but we can't go back!"

"this co-operative is different from the co-operative at that time." Song Baiman explained to them patiently.

This is a new thing, and doubt is inevitable. Song Baiman understood this theory. I thought, if you say a thousand and say ten thousand, it's not as good as the facts.

At the beginning of the Spring Festival in 2007, he first contracted eight like-minded people as sponsors and established the Houyaxia Tea Industry Professional Cooperative in Jufeng Town, Lanshan District. At that time, only 63 tea farmers joined, including 8 sponsors.

Although the number is small, Song Baiman is full of confidence that a single spark can start a prairie fire!

They adopt the voluntary principle to extensively absorb tea farmers into the cooperative, and adopt the model of "enterprise + base + peasant household". Everyone is invested in assets, tea gardens, funds and other forms of shares.

Cooperatives issue membership cards to members and implement preferential policies: supply organic fertilizer of the same quality at a market price of less than 10%; purchase fresh leaves of the same quality at a price higher than 10%; and guarantee a minimum dividend of 10% at the end of the year. It's a lot of good. Take selling fresh tea, for example, not only do not have to run to the market, when spring tea is listed, the same fresh leaves are 10 yuan higher than the market, and the income per mu can be 1600 yuan to 2000 yuan more. The cooperative makes uniform clothes for tea farmers and distributes various benefits from time to time.

Who doesn't seem to be impressed by these tangible discounts? As a result, all doubts were gradually dispelled, and the number of co-operatives grew to 143 at the end of that year. After that, it swarmed up, and now there are 708 households, radiating 15 surrounding villages, the tea garden covers an area of more than 2800 mu, absorbing assessed share capital and cash shares totaling 3.2 million yuan, which is 3.2 times that of the establishment. The company also expanded the factory building by 3000 square meters and purchased assembly line production equipment and other fixed assets totaling about 12.186 million yuan, which is 12.6 times that at the time of establishment.

A few years ago, due to the lack of a unified tea production, processing and sales organization, the efficiency of growing tea was low, the income of tea farmers was low, and the quality of tea could not be guaranteed. After the establishment of the cooperative, focusing on promoting the industrialization of tea production and the integration of social and agricultural development, in accordance with the requirements of "six Unification", the service field has been expanded, the service mode has been improved, the service system has been improved, and the service level has been improved.

Do a good job of technical services. In order to improve the educational level and professional knowledge of cooperative members, they won the full-time secondary vocational education and training program of Rizhao Branch of Provincial Agricultural Broadcasting School, and took the lead in realizing "school-enterprise cooperation in running schools" in the province. From 2010 to 2012, the Agricultural Broadcasting School was established for three years. 150 new farmers of technical type, management type and management type have been trained successively. Provincial and municipal tea experts are also invited to hold special lectures and provide free technical training to tea farmers in tea garden management and tea processing technology. Since last year, the cooperative has trained more than 10,000 tea farmers, and has initially formed a tea technical service system in which "scientific and technological personnel go directly to the households, improved varieties and methods go directly to the fields, and technical essentials go directly to people." It has further improved the standardization level of tea production of the majority of farmers and promoted the virtuous circle of the development of tea industry.

Do a good job of agricultural material services. In order to ensure the safety of inputs in tea production from the source, the cooperative set up its own agricultural material distribution center, signed a contract for the supply of means of production with tea farmers, and uniformly organized the procurement and supply of means of production. The means of production provided is 10% lower than the market price. It has not only minimized the production costs of the members, but also fundamentally put an end to fake and shoddy agricultural materials. In particular, through the strong implementation of the application of special organic fertilizer for tea trees, the excessive agricultural residue of tea was put an end to. Last year, cooperatives supplied a total of 468 tons of means of production with a value of 720000 yuan, and the unified purchase rate of agricultural inputs reached 90 percent, directly saving 73000 yuan in production costs. The uniform sales rate of the main products is more than 90%.

Do a good job of purchasing and selling services. In order to fundamentally relieve the worries of tea farmers from their difficulties in selling tea, cooperatives strictly implement order management, signed fresh leaf purchase contracts with their members, and purchased all high-quality green tea produced according to standardization at a price 10% higher than that of the market. At the same time, the cooperative has also built a fresh leaf trading market. Since it was put into operation for a year, about 80,000 jin of fresh leaves have been traded every day during the peak season of tea production, benefiting tea farmers in 15 surrounding villages and towns, effectively standardizing the trading of fresh and dry tea leaves. In 2011, cooperatives purchased more than 990000 jin of fresh leaves, and tea farmers sold an average of 6 yuan more per jin than the market price, and the unified sales rate of tea exceeded 95%. Through unified purchase and marketing, group operation, production and marketing docking and scale development, it has not only brought huge economic benefits to cooperatives, but also brought significant social and ecological benefits, especially tea farmers are the biggest beneficiaries. The per capita income of tea farmers in the cooperative increased from 6000 yuan to 17000 yuan, an increase of 20 percent year on year and 26 percent higher than that of non-member farmers engaged in production and operation in the same industry.

Do a good job in infrastructure construction. In the winter of 2011, 400000 yuan was invested in the renovation of tea garden infrastructure, the construction of tea garden protective forest network, two new reservoirs and two new dams; 2.8 million yuan was invested to build more than 3000 square meters of processing workshop and more than 60 sets of tea processing machinery (sets). 2 cold storage facilities for tea preservation, purchase 2 constant temperature vehicles; upgrade factory building, purchase processing and distribution, grading, packaging, inspection and other related facilities and equipment Establish 8 urban direct sales outlets for cooperative products and 5 community chain stores. Over the years, through the expansion of the original production and processing workshop and the construction of standardized production and processing workshop and the purchase of advanced production equipment, it has become a key leading enterprise of agricultural industrialization in Rizhao City.

To serve the rural economy and the people's livelihood. The development of cooperatives does not forget to repay the society and share the fruits of development with tea farmers and members of cooperatives. Actively engaged in public welfare undertakings, and benefit 15 surrounding villages.

Brand management to improve the core competitiveness. Adhere to the high-end start, high-end positioning and efficient development, vigorously implement the "four-product strategy" of variety, quality, brand and grade, and realize standardized production and brand operation on the basis of large-scale development. Constantly improve the popularity, reputation and market competitiveness of "Baiman green tea".