
The family doctor is here. Did you sign the contract?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The family doctor is here. Did you sign the contract?

The original title: "Family Doctor" is here!

Basically achieve full coverage of the family doctor contract service system in 2020

Chen Jun (right), a family doctor at the Community Health Service Center in Pengpu New Village, Jing'an District, Shanghai, instructs community residents on daily medication. Photo taken by Xinhua News Agency reporter Pei Xin

Six departments, including the Medical Reform Office of the State Council and the National Health and Family Planning Commission, jointly formulated the guidance on promoting the contract Service of Family doctors, which was officially announced on the 6th. According to the guidance, by 2020, we should strive to expand the family doctor contract service to the whole population, form a long-term and stable contract service relationship with residents, and basically achieve full coverage of the family doctor contract service system.

According to the guidance, contract services for family doctors will be carried out in 200 pilot cities for comprehensive reform of public hospitals in 2016, and other qualified areas will be encouraged to actively carry out pilot projects. By 2017, the coverage rate of contracted services for family doctors will reach more than 30%, and that of key groups will reach more than 60%.

At the present stage, family doctors mainly include registered general practitioners in primary medical and health institutions, as well as capable township health center doctors and rural doctors. The family doctor team provides residents with basic medical care, public health and agreed health management services. Basic medical services cover the diagnosis and treatment of common and frequently-occurring diseases of traditional Chinese and western medicine, rational use of drugs, medical route guidance and referral appointments, and so on.

What should you know about the family doctor signing service?

What is a family doctor?

Family doctors are mainly responsible for prevention and health care, diagnosis and treatment of common diseases and referrals, patient rehabilitation and chronic disease management, health management and other integrated services at the grass-roots level. Family doctors take people as the center, take the family as the unit, take the maintenance and promotion of overall health as the direction, provide long-term contract care, and integrate individual and group health care. High-quality family doctor signing service can make family doctor become the gatekeeper of residents' health, medical expenses and humanistic care.

How does the family doctor serve?

In principle, the contract service for family doctors should take the form of team service, which is mainly composed of family doctors, community nurses, public health doctors (including assistant public health doctors), and there are hospital doctors at or above the second level (including TCM doctors) to provide technical support and business guidance. Qualified areas can also recruit pharmacists, health managers, psychological counselors and social workers to join the team to provide quality services for contracted residents.

Where does the signing service charge come from?

The family doctor team collects the contract service fee annually according to the number of contracted services, which is shared by the medical insurance fund, basic public health service funds and contracted residents' fees. The specific standards and sharing ratio are determined by the local health and family planning, human resources and social security, finance, price and other departments through consultation according to the contracted service content, the contracted residents' structure, the basic medical insurance fund and the affordability of public health funds.

What is the goal of the contract service?

According to the guidance, contract services for family doctors will be carried out in 200 pilot cities for comprehensive reform of public hospitals in 2016. Priority will be given to the elderly, pregnant women, children and the disabled, as well as patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, tuberculosis and severe mental disorders. By 2017, the coverage rate of contracted services for family doctors will reach more than 30%, and that of key groups will reach more than 60%. By 2020, the full coverage of the family doctor contract service system will be basically realized.

What services and discounts can people get?

1. Go to a doctor

In accordance with the agreement, the family doctor team will provide the contracted residents with full service, door-to-door service, wrong time service, appointment service and so on.

two。 Referral

The family doctor team will have a certain proportion of hospital expert numbers, appointment registration, reserved beds and other resources to facilitate contracted residents to give priority to medical treatment and hospitalization.

3. Medication

For patients with chronic diseases who have signed a contract, the family doctor can, as appropriate, prolong the dosage of a single prescription and reduce the frequency of patients prescribing drugs back and forth.

4. Medical insurance

Differential health insurance payment policies will be implemented for contracted residents, for example, contracted residents will get a higher proportion of medical insurance reimbursement when they see a doctor at the grass-roots level.

(according to Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 6th, by reporter Hao Hu)