
In the countryside, why do they all say that "peaches feed people, apricots hurt people, and plums carry dead people to the ground"

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In the countryside, why do they all say that "peaches feed people, apricots hurt people, and plums carry dead people to the ground"

Peach is known as "Birthday Bun with Bean Paste Filling" and "Xiantao". Because of its delicious meat, peach is also known as "the first fruit in the world". And now is the season for peaches to ripen and harvest in large quantities. When I walked into the village, the Taoyuan first thought of Liu Guanzhang's three promises of Taoyuan, followed by the fragrance of peach, refreshing and drooling. Peach is a very popular fruit in rural areas, so old people often have a saying, "Peach raises people, apricots hurt people and plums are buried in the ground." this sentence fully proves the nutritional value of peaches, so what is the nutritional value and efficacy of peaches? let us farmers so optimistic about peaches this fruit?

Don't underestimate this fruit, it can not only replenish blood and replenish qi, but also improve the body's immunity, and it contains a lot of iron, so it has the function of relieving anemia. This is one aspect that apricot can't compare with him. But if you eat too much, you will get angry.

The planting of apricot trees in rural areas has brought considerable benefits to rural people, and apricots also account for a large proportion in farmers' market transactions. But although apricot is delicious, you must not eat more, because the metabolites of amygdalin can lead to tissue cell asphyxiation, serious cases will inhibit the center, leading to respiratory paralysis and even death.

In recent years, the cultivation of plums in rural areas has gradually increased. Plums are full and round, exquisitely carved, beautiful in shape and sweet in taste. It is one of the traditional fruits that people like to eat and one of the main fruits in summer. Plums contain a high amount of fruit acid, excessive consumption is easy to cause stomachache, so in the countryside, there are "peaches nourish people, apricots hurt people, plum trees carry people to death." Eating more plums will make people phlegm and help dampness, so those with weak spleen and stomach should eat less.