
What problems exist in modern rural areas? Farmers, come in and reflect.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, What problems exist in modern rural areas? Farmers, come in and reflect.

I. the current problems in rural areas

1. The loss of young people: the level of affluence in the villages along the southeast coast of the survey is relatively higher than the national average, and the rural construction is relatively better, but it is always difficult to see young people every time they enter the village. I remember that the youngest villager in a village was 40 years old.

2. The level of education and medical care in rural areas lags behind, and the masses react strongly. Almost every village reflects the gap between urban and rural areas in education and health care. I remember a villager representative put forward a point of view: the government deliberately concentrated superior resources, especially educational resources, in the county seat, which is conducive to real estate development; this view has not been tested and dare not give comments, but when the government sees the gap, it does not respond timely and effectively.

3. Grass-roots civil servants have no enthusiasm for the masses. On the surface, civil servants in villages and towns are polite to the masses, but in their hearts they are disgusted and indifferent to the masses and their work. It may be a negative impression caused by unpleasant things, but this indifference is very undesirable.

4. The masses do not trust grass-roots party and government cadres. Most of the villagers have a strong affection for the Party Central Committee, thinking that the bad things are done by the people below, that they do not adhere to the correct decisions and preferential policies of the Party Central Committee, and that grass-roots personnel do not do practical work.

Second, some thoughts on rural problems.

1. The process of urbanization is an irresistible trend, and all kinds of resources, including people, continue to pour into the city, which is an unsocial trend and exists objectively. Under such circumstances, where should China's rural areas go?

2. Some views on education and medical resources. It is a trend that advantageous resources are constantly concentrated in cities, but what the government is doing is to draw the bottom line. If someone wants to go to school, they must have schools, and if they have schools, they must have teachers. If there is a gap, there is a big gap to deal with. In fact, there is a lot that can be done. Have you done it?

3. Many people feel very sad about the dilapidation of villages and towns. I admire this kind of love for their hometown. I remember an old man with silver hair in steamed bread talking about this decline.

What should we do in the countryside? where is the direction of the countryside? please talk more and communicate more.